Xin He

Throughput and energy efficiency comparison of one-hop, two-hop, virtual relay and cooperative retransmission schemes

Paper presented at the 2010 2010 European Wireless Conference. (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Paper also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EW.2010.5483469 Two main types of approaches exist for implementing cooperative communications at the MAC layer: virtual-hop relay and cooperative retransmission. While the virtual-hop relay schemes employ relay n…

research product

Optimization of the Relay Selection Scheme in Cooperative Retransmission Networks

Cooperative MAC protocol design has attracted much attention recently thanks to the development of relaying techniques. In single-relay C-ARQ, the relay selection scheme cannot work efficiently in a dense network, due to high collision probability among different contending relays. In this paper, the throughput performance impairment from the collision is analysed in a typical network scenario. Thereby, we propose an optimized relay selection scheme aiming at maximizing system throughput by reducing collision probability. The throughput performance enhancement by the proposed optimal relay selection scheme is verified by simulations.

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Cooperative communication design with distributed code allocation in a clustered network

A major challenge for cooperative communication in distributed networks is to coordinate relay transmissions without introducing too much overhead. Targeting a clustered network, we propose a novel cooperative communication scheme including channel quality based relay selection and distributed space-time code allocation in this paper. Both analysis and simulations are carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed cooperative scheme, in terms of packet delivery rate, throughput and energy efficiency, under different channel conditions and network density.

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Link adaptation with combined optimal frame size and rate selection in error-prone 802.11n networks

In error-prone channel with low SNRs, the network throughput may drop significantly if the packet length becomes too large. On the other hand, too much protocol overhead will be introduced if the packet length is too small. In this paper, we study this tradeoff and propose an adaptive frame size algorithm for A-MPDU in 802.11n networks, which can maximize the throughput by selecting the optimized frame length under different channel conditions. When used together with rate selection, the network throughput can be further improved. Both analytical model and simulation results are presented, demonstrating that our algorithm outperforms the fixed length transmission scheme in 802.11n networks …

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C<sup>2</sup>SMA/CA: Enabling co-channel concurrency in WLANs using positional information

An attractive approach to overcome capacity limitations in a densely deployed WLAN environment is to enable transmission concurrency. In this paper, we propose a co-channel concurrent transmission scheme, referred to as C2SMA/CA, which determines whether to allow multiple concurrent transmissions based on interference estimation using positional information. A distributed multi-link concurrency scheduling algorithm is implemented, and its performance is evaluated through extensive simulations.

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Energy consumption and optimal relay node placement for cooperative retransmissions

Previous work on cooperative MAC design has shown significant performance improvement in terms of throughput and packet delivery ratio. However, little attention has been paid to extra energy cost at the relay node in order to achieve such benefit. In this paper, we focus on analyzing energy consumption at a relay node in cooperative retransmission networks with mixed Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. Furthermore, optimal relay location is studied with respect to energy efficiency in different scenarios. The simulation and calculation results coincide with each other, both showing the optimal location of the relay node is scenario-dependent and can be obtained under given channel conditi…

research product

Throughput and energy efficiency comparison of one-hop, two-hop, virtual relay and cooperative retransmission schemes

Two main types of approaches exist for implementing cooperative communications at the MAC layer: virtual-hop relay and cooperative retransmission. While the virtual-hop relay schemes employ relay nodes to forward packets when higher end-to-end throughput can be achieved compared with the direct transmission, the cooperative retransmission schemes use relays to retransmit data only after the direct transmission fails. However, the performance of the these different approaches has not been compared in the literature, especially when energy efficiency is considered. In order to find out the best transmission scheme, this paper evaluates and compares the performance of the one-hop direct transm…

research product

An optimal energy efficient cooperative retransmission MAC scheme in wireless networks

While the benefits of cooperative diversity have been well studied in the literature, cooperative MAC protocol design has also attracted much attention recently. In the single-relay Cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest (C-ARQ) protocol, the best relay node is selected in a distributed manner by relays using different backoff time before packet retransmission. However, this relay selection scheme does not work efficiently in a dense network scenario, due to possible high collision probability among different contending relays. In this paper, we propose an optimized relay selection scheme to maximize system energy efficiency by reducing collision probability. The energy efficiency performance…

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Cooperative MAC design in multi-hop wireless networks: Part I: When source and destination are within the transmission range of each other

Published version of an article from the journal: Wireless Personal Communications. The original publication is available at Spingerlink. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-010-0072-y Cooperative communication is regarded as a promising technology in future 5G wireless networks to enhance network performance by exploiting time and/or space diversity via distributed terminals. In this paper, we propose a cooperative medium access protocol which addresses three key aspects of cooperative communications from MAC layer perspective, namely, when to cooperate, whom to cooperate with and how to protect ongoing cooperative transmissions. To further improve the protocol performance in dense networks, …

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Enable concurrent transmissions with beamforming for broadband wireless access in CSMA/CA-based WLANs

In CSMA/CA based wireless local networks, two stations are not allowed to transmit at the same time due to interference generated to each other, resulting in degraded throughput. Concurrent transmission, which enables simultaneous transmission of two or more stations under certain conditions, is able to overcome this problem, leading to enhanced channel utilization efficiency. Different from earlier work on this topic which focuses on omni-direction concurrent transmission, we introduce in this paper beamforming into a co-channel concurrent transmission scheme and investigate the benefits of concurrency with beamforming. The circumstances for concurrent transmission and frame scheduling are…

research product

An optimal energy efficient cooperative retransmission MAC scheme in wireless networks

Accepted version of a paper in the book: 2011 2nd Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE). Published version available from the IEEE: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WIRELESSVITAE.2011.5940871 While the benefits of cooperative diversity have been well studied in the literature, cooperative MAC protocol design has also attracted much attention recently. In the single-relay Cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest (C-ARQ) protocol, the best relay node is selected in a distributed manner by relays using different backoff time before packet retransmission. However, this relay selection scheme does not work efficiently…

research product

Optimization of the relay selection scheme in cooperative retransmission networks

Accepted version of a paper in the book: 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). Published version available from the IEEE:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VETECS.2011.5956485 Cooperative MAC protocol design has attracted much attention recently thanks to the development of relaying techniques. In single-relay C-ARQ, the relay selection scheme cannot work efficiently in a dense network, due to high collision probability among different contending relays. In this paper, the throughput performance impairment from the collision is analyzed in a typical network scenario. Thereby, we propose an optimized relay selection scheme aiming at maximizing system throughput by reducing coll…

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Formal verification of a Cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest MAC protocol

Author's version of an article published in the journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2011.12.001 Cooperative communications, in which a relay node helps the source node to deliver its packets to the destination node, are able to obtain significant benefits in terms of transmission reliability, coverage extension and energy efficiency. A Cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest (C-ARQ) MAC protocol has been recently proposed to exploit cooperative diversity at the MAC layer. in this paper, we validate the integrity and the validity of the C-ARQ protocol using formal methods. The protocol logic is modeled in SDL and implem…

research product

Cooperative Communications inWireless Local Area Networks: MAC Protocol Design and Multi-layer Solutions

Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 2012 This dissertation addresses cooperative communications and proposes multi-layer solu- tions for wireless local area networks, focusing on cooperative MAC design. The coop- erative MAC design starts from CSMA/CA based wireless networks. Three key issues of cooperation from the MAC layer are dealt with: i.e., when to cooperate (opportunistic cooperation), whom to cooperate with (relay selection), and how to protect cooperative transmissions (message procedure design). In addition, a cooperative MAC protocol that addresses these three issues is proposed. The relay selection scheme is further…

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Cooperative RTS/CTS MAC with relay selection in distributed wireless networks

This paper proposes a cooperative multiple access protocol based on the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) Request-To-Send/Clear-To-Send (RTS/CTS) scheme for distributed wireless networks. It answers three key questions concerning cooperation from the network perspective, namely when to cooperate, whom to cooperate with and how to protect cooperative transmissions. According to our protocol, the cooperation is initiated only if the direct transmission fails. An optimal relay node is selected in a distributed manner according to instantaneous relay channel conditions without prior information or extra signaling among relay candidates in the network. An additional three-way handshake is …

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A multi-relay cooperative automatic repeat request protocol in wireless networks

Paper presented at the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications , Cape Town. (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Paper also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2010.5502169 This paper proposes a Multi-relay Cooperative Automatic Repeat ReQuest protocol (MC-ARQ) for IEEE 802.11 based wireless networks. The proposed distributed relay selection…

research product

An automatic cooperative retransmission MAC protocol in Wireless Local Area Networks

Existing solutions for cooperation in wireless networks either require simultaneous transmission of source and relay nodes or impose major modifications to original MAC protocols. In this paper, a new efficient retransmission MAC protocol is proposed for IEEE 802.11 based cooperation communications, with minimum modifications to the DCF scheme. Throughput and access delay performance of the proposed protocols is analyzed in error-prone and highly temporally correlated channels. Numerical results show that significant benefits can be achieved with our cooperative protocol, compared with the legacy schemes.

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