Sheldon Dantas
On the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for multilinear mappings
Abstract We study the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property and the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property for numerical radius. Our main aim is to extend some known results about norm or numerical radius attaining operators to multilinear and polynomial cases. We characterize the pair ( l 1 ( X ) , Y ) to have the BPBp for bilinear forms and prove that on L 1 ( μ ) the numerical radius and the norm of a multilinear mapping are the same. We also show that L 1 ( μ ) fails the BPBp-nu for multilinear mappings although L 1 ( μ ) satisfies it in the operator case for every measure μ.
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás point property
Abstract In this article, we study a version of the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property. We investigate a pair of Banach spaces ( X , Y ) such that every operator from X into Y is approximated by operators which attain their norm at the same point where the original operator almost attains its norm. In this case, we say that such a pair has the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas point property (BPBpp). We characterize uniform smoothness in terms of BPBpp and we give some examples of pairs ( X , Y ) which have and fail this property. Some stability results are obtained about l 1 and l ∞ sums of Banach spaces and we also study this property for bilinear mappings.
Some kind of Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property
In this paper we introduce two Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas type properties for bounded linear operators between two Banach spaces X and Y: property 1 and property 2. These properties are motivated by a Kim–Lee result which states, under our notation, that a Banach space X is uniformly convex if and only if the pair (X,K) satisfies property 2. Positive results of pairs of Banach spaces (X,Y) satisfying property 1 are given and concrete pairs of Banach spaces (X,Y) failing both properties are exhibited. A complete characterization of property 1 for the pairs (lp,lq) is also provided.