Assessment and Intervention with Wii Fit in the Elderly
Nowadays, the number of elderly people is constantly increasing, and the prospective is that this collective will continue to grow in the future. As aging is a process that implies many changes and consequences for the person, it is important to focus the research on the improvement of the quality of life of this increasing age group. Psychologists dedicate a great amount of time to design programs that improve the health of the elderly, and that includes gathering information and statistically analyze it to interpret and provide recommendations for an improved design. Expert systems are a good solution to reduce the amount of work that these professionals have to dedicate, automatizing tas…
Age slowing down in detection and visual discrimination under varying presentation times
[EN] The reaction time has been described as a measure of perception, decision making, and other cognitive processes. The aim of this work is to examine agerelated changes in executive functions in terms of demand load under varying presentation times. Two tasks were employed where a signal detection and a discrimination task were performed by young and older university students. Furthermore, a characterization of the response time distribution by an exGaussian fit was carried out. The results indicated that the older participants were slower than the younger ones in signal detection and discrimination. Moreover, the differences between both processes for the older participants were higher,…