Giuseppina Ferro
Endoscopic Treatment of Iatrogenic Perforation of Sigmoid Diverticulum: A Case Report of Multidisciplinary Management
Iatrogenic perforations are severe complications of gastrointestinal endoscopy; therefore, their management should be adequately planned. A 77-year-old man with a history of diverticulosis underwent a colonoscopy for anemia. During the procedure, an iatrogenic perforation occurred suddenly in the sigmoid colon, near a severe angle among the numerous diverticula. Through-the-scope clips were immediately applied to treat it and close mucosal edges. Laboratory tests showed increased levels of inflammation and infection, and although there were no complaints of abdominal pain, the patient had an extremely distended abdomen. A multidisciplinary board began management based on a conservative appr…
Mirizzi syndrome type V complicated with both cholecystobiliary and cholecystocolic fistula: a case report
Abstract Mirizzi syndrome (MS) is a common bile duct (CBD) obstruction caused by extrinsic compression from an impacted stone in the cystic duct or infundibulum of the gallbladder. Patients affected by MS may present abdominal pain and jaundice. A 37-year-old male with neurologic residuals post-encephalitis arrived at the emergency department reporting abdominal pain, jaundice and fever. An ultrasound of the abdomen identified cholecystolithiasis with a dilated CBD. He did not undergo CT or MRI due to poor compliance and parents’ disagreement. Eventually, they accepted to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, which diagnosed MS with both cholecystobiliary and cholecystocol…
Mirizzi syndrome in a patient with partial gastrectomy with Billroth II anastomosis: A case report
Highlights • Obstructive jaundice may be a challenge for differential diagnosis. • Mirizzi Syndrome may simulate clinical and radiological presentation of common bile duct stones. • ERCP hardly achieves cannulation of biliary duct in altered anatomy, so gastroscope may be a correct choice in these cases. • Surgical treatment is essential in Mirizzi Syndrome.