Antonio Marrone
Hints ofθ13>0from Global Neutrino Data Analysis
Nailing down the unknown neutrino mixing angle theta{13} is one of the most important goals in current lepton physics. In this context, we perform a global analysis of neutrino oscillation data, focusing on theta{13}, and including recent results [ (unpublished)]. We discuss two converging hints of theta{13}>0, each at the level of approximately 1sigma: an older one coming from atmospheric neutrino data, and a newer one coming from the combination of solar and long-baseline reactor neutrino data. Their combination provides the global estimate sin{2}theta{13}=0.016+/-0.010(1sigma), implying a preference for theta{13}>0 with non-negligible statistical significance ( approximately 90% C.L.). W…
Observables sensitive to absolute neutrino masses. II
In this followup to Phys. Rev. D 75, 053001 (2007) [arXiv:hep-ph/0608060] we report updated constraints on neutrino mass-mixing parameters, in light of recent neutrino oscillation data (KamLAND, SNO, and MINOS) and cosmological observations (WMAP 5-year and other data). We discuss their interplay with the final 0nu2beta decay results in 76-Ge claimed by part of the Heidelberg-Moscow Collaboration, using recent evaluations of the corresponding nuclear matrix elements, and their uncertainties. We also comment on the 0nu2beta limits in 130-Te recently set by Cuoricino, and on prospective limits or signals from the KATRIN experiment.
$^{113}$Cd $\beta$-decay spectrum and $g_{\rm A}$ quenching using spectral moments
We present an alternative analysis of the $^{113}$Cd $\beta$-decay electron energy spectrum in terms of spectral moments $\mu_n$, corresponding to the averaged values of $n^{\rm th}$ powers of the $\beta$ particle energy. The zeroth moment $\mu_0$ is related to the decay rate, while higher moments $\mu_n$ are related to the spectrum shape. The here advocated spectral-moment method (SMM) allows for a complementary understanding of previous results, obtained using the so-called spectrum-shape method (SSM) and its revised version, in terms of two free parameters: $r=g_{\rm A}/g_{\rm V}$ (the ratio of axial-vector to vector couplings) and $s$ (the small vector-like relativistic nuclear matrix e…
Neutrino masses and mixing: 2008 status
We review the current status (as of the end of 2008) of neutrino mass and mixing determinations, focusing on the hints of θ 13 > 0 , recently emerged in our global analysis.
113Cdβ-decay spectrum and gA quenching using spectral moments
We present an alternative analysis of the 113Cdβ-decay electron energy spectrum in terms of spectral moments μn, corresponding to the averaged values of nth powers of the β particle energy. The zeroth moment μ0 is related to the decay rate, while higher moments μn are related to the spectrum shape. The here advocated spectral-moment method (SMM) allows for a complementary understanding of previous results, obtained using the so-called spectrum-shape method (SSM) and its revised version, in terms of two free parameters: r=gA/gV (the ratio of axial-vector to vector couplings) and s (the small vectorlike relativistic nuclear matrix element, s-NME). We present numerical results for three differ…
Probingθ13with global neutrino data analysis
We discuss the results of an updated global analysis of neutrino oscillation data, focusing on the determination of θ13, the smallest and unknown leptonic mixing angle. We discuss three independent and converging hints of θ13 > 0: a first one coming from atmospheric neutrino data; a second one from the combination of solar and long-baseline reactor (KamLAND) neutrino data; and a third one from the latest MINOS measurements in the appearance (νμ → νe) channel. Their combination provides an indication for θ13 > 0 at the 2σ (95% C.L.) level.