A. Di Sciacca
Effects of Intravenous Erythromycin Lactobionate in Respiratory Infections
The antibiotic erythromycin lactobionate given intravenously acts almost exclusively on Gram-positive bacteria. Even at high plasma and tissue concentrations there is an almost total absence of side-effects. It could be considered, therefore, as first choice in the treatment of patients with infectious respiratory diseases. Most of the 40 patients admitted to the present study were elderly and all had either acute or chronic and becoming acute respiratory disease. Their clinical symptoms and levels of phlogosis improved on treatment with erythromycin lactobionate without any interruption of therapy due to side-effects and toxicity. The absence of unfavourable pharmacological interactions f…
Diuretic Therapy in Old Patients
The administration of diuretics is indicated in several clinical conditions characterized by more or less severe water and salt retention (congestive heart failure, non-compensated liver cirrhosis, renal syndromes etc.), or in cases in which water and sodium depletion is supposed to improve some pathophysiological aspects of clinical symptoms (e. g. as background treatment in arterial hypertension, or as emergency treatment in left ventricular failure.