Sanna Lensu

Prebiotic Xylo-Oligosaccharides Ameliorate High-Fat-Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis in Rats

Understanding the importance of the gut microbiota (GM) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has raised the hope for therapeutic microbes. We have shown that high hepatic fat content associated with low abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in humans and, further, the administration of F. prausnitzii prevented NAFLD in mice. Here, we aimed at targeting F. prausnitzii by prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) to treat NAFLD. First, the effect of XOS on F. prausnitzii growth was assessed in vitro. Then, XOS was supplemented or not with high (HFD, 60% of energy from fat) or low (LFD) fat diet for 12 weeks in Wistar rats (n = 10/group). XOS increased F. prausnitzii growth, having onl…

research product

Suoliston mikrobit ja fyysinen suorituskyky

Suolistoamme asuttava miljardilukuinen mikrobiyhteisö osallistuu fysiologiaamme monin tavoin. Se kykenee esimerkiksi hajottamaan ravinnosta yhdisteitä, joihin omat entsyymimme eivät pure. Poikittaistutkimuksissa on löydetty ihmisen fyysisen suorituskyvyn ja suolistomikrobien välisiä yhteyksiä. Liikunta-aktiivisuus näyttäisi lisäävän tiettyjen terveysvaikutteisten suolistomikrobien määrää. Pitkittäistutkimuksista tekemämme systemoitu katsaus osoittaa, että liikunta vaikuttaa ihmisten suolistomikrobeihin, mutta tulokset ovat ristiriitaisia. Yleisimmin keskikuormittava kestävyysliikunta on aiheuttanut eniten muutoksia suolistossa, mutta tähänastinen tutkimus on painottunut iäkkäisiin, ylipaino…

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Voluntary Running Aids to Maintain High Body Temperature in Rats Bred for High Aerobic Capacity

The production of heat, i.e., thermogenesis, is a significant component of the metabolic rate, which in turn affects weight gain and health. Thermogenesis is linked to physical activity (PA) level. However, it is not known whether intrinsic exercise capacity, aging, and long-term voluntary running affect core body temperature. Here we use rat models selectively bred to differ in maximal treadmill endurance running capacity (Low capacity runners, LCR and High capacity Runners, HCR), that as adults are divergent for aerobic exercise capacity, aging, and metabolic disease risk to study the connection between PA and body temperature. Ten high capacity runner (HCR) and ten low capacity runner (L…

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Transcriptional profiling of rat white adipose tissue response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin

Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins are environmental contaminants commonly produced as a by-product of industrial processes. The most potent of these, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-rho-dioxin (TCDD), is highly lipophilic, leading to bioaccumulation. White adipose tissue (WAT) is a major site for energy storage, and is one of the organs in which TCDD accumulates. In laboratory animals, exposure to TCDD causes numerous metabolic abnormalities, including a wasting syndrome. We therefore investigated the molecular effects of TCDD exposure on WAT by profiling the transcriptomic response of WAT to 100 mu g/kg of TCDD at 1 or 4 days in TCDD-sensitive Long-Evans (Turku/AB; L-E) rats. A comparative analysi…

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A novel D2O tracer method to quantify RNA turnover as a biomarker of de novo ribosomal biogenesis, in vitro, in animal models, and in human skeletal muscle

Current methods to quantify in vivo RNA dynamics are limited. Here, we developed a novel stable isotope (D2O) methodology to quantify RNA synthesis (i.e., ribosomal biogenesis) in cells, animal models, and humans. First, proliferating C2C12 cells were incubated in D2O-enriched media and myotubes ±50 ng/ml IGF-I. Second, rat quadriceps (untrained, n = 9; 7-wk interval-“like” training, n = 13) were collected after ~3-wk D2O (70 atom %) administration, with body-water enrichment monitored via blood sampling. Finally, 10 (23 ± 1 yr) men consumed 150-ml D2O followed by 50 ml/wk and undertook 6-wk resistance exercise (6 × 8 repetitions, 75% 1-repetition maximum 3/wk) with body-water enrichment mo…

research product

Physical exercise increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis in male rats provided it is aerobic and sustained

Aerobic exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain structure and function, such as adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) and learning. Whether high-intensity interval training (HIT), referring to alternating short bouts of very intense anaerobic exercise with recovery periods, or anaerobic resistance training (RT) has similar effects on AHN is unclear. In addition, individual genetic variation in the overall response to physical exercise is likely to play a part in the effects of exercise on AHN but is less well studied. Recently, we developed polygenic rat models that gain differentially for running capacity in response to aerobic treadmill training. Here, we subjected these l…

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Activin Receptor Ligand Blocking and Cancer Have Distinct Effects on Protein and Redox Homeostasis in Skeletal Muscle and Liver

Muscle wasting in cancer cachexia can be alleviated by blocking activin receptor type 2 (ACVR2) ligands through changes in protein synthesis/degradation. These changes in cellular and protein metabolism may alter protein homeostasis. First, we elucidated the acute (1–2 days) and 2-week effects of blocking ACVR2 ligands by soluble activin receptor 2B (sACVR2B-Fc) on unfolded protein response (UPR), heat shock proteins (HSPs) and redox balance in a healthy mouse skeletal muscle. Second, we examined UPR, autophagy and redox balance with or without sACVR2B-Fc administration in muscle and liver of C26 tumor-bearing mice. The indicators of UPR and HSPs were not altered 1–2 days after a single sAC…

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Xylo-Oligosaccharides in Prevention of Hepatic Steatosis and Adipose Tissue Inflammation: Associating Taxonomic and Metabolomic Patterns in Fecal Microbiomes with Biclustering

We have shown that prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) increased beneficial gut microbiota (GM) and prevented high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis, but the mechanisms associated with these effects are not clear. We studied whether XOS affects adipose tissue inflammation and insulin signaling, and whether the GM and fecal metabolome explain associated patterns. XOS was supplemented or not with high (HFD) or low (LFD) fat diet for 12 weeks in male Wistar rats (n = 10/group). Previously analyzed GM and fecal metabolites were biclustered to reduce data dimensionality and identify interpretable groups of co-occurring genera and metabolites. Based on our findings, biclustering provides a use…

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Cross-species transcriptomic analysis elucidates constitutive aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity

Background Research on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) has largely focused on variations in toxic outcomes resulting from its activation by halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. But the AHR also plays key roles in regulating pathways critical for development, and after decades of research the mechanisms underlying physiological regulation by the AHR remain poorly characterized. Previous studies identified several core genes that respond to xenobiotic AHR ligands across a broad range of species and tissues. However, only limited inferences have been made regarding its role in regulating constitutive gene activity, i.e. in the absence of exogenous ligands. To address this, we profiled transc…

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Physiological adaptations to resistance training in rats selectively bred for low and high response to aerobic exercise training

New Findings: What is the central question of this study? Can phenotypic traits associated with low response to one mode of training be extrapolated to other exercise-inducible phenotypes? The present study investigated whether rats that are low responders to endurance training are also low responders to resistance training. What is the main finding and its importance? After resistance training, rats that are high responders to aerobic exercise training improved more in maximal strength compared with low-responder rats. However, the greater gain in strength in high-responder rats was not accompanied by muscle hypertrophy, suggesting that the responses observed could be mainly neural in orig…

research product

Physical exercise increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis in male rats provided it is aerobic and sustained

Key points Aerobic exercise, such as running, enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) in rodents. Little is known about the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIT) or of purely anaerobic resistance training on AHN. Here, compared with a sedentary lifestyle, we report a very modest effect of HIT and no effect of resistance training on AHN in adult male rats. We found the most AHN in rats that were selectively bred for an innately high response to aerobic exercise that also run voluntarily and increase maximal running capacity. Our results confirm that sustained aerobic exercise is key in improving AHN. Abstract Aerobic exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain …

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Intrinsic aerobic capacity governs the associations between gut microbiota composition and fat metabolism age-dependently in rat siblings

Host genetic factors affecting the gut microbiome play an important role in obesity, yet limited attention has been paid on the host genetic factors linked to physical fitness in modifying the microbiome. This study determined whether sibling-matched pairs of rats selectively bred for high (HCR) and low (LCR) aerobic capacity differ in their microbiome age-dependently and which taxa associate with differential in metabolism. Several taxa in young adult rats (hereafter young) linked to inherited aerobic capacity, while in older adult (hereafter old) rats most of the differences between the lines associated with body weight. Despite the absence of weight differential between LCR and HCR when…

research product

Toxicological Profile of Ultrapure 2,2´,3,4,4´,5,5´-Heptachlorbiphenyl (PCB 180) in Adult Rats

PCB 180 is a persistent non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (NDL-PCB) abundantly present in food and the environment. Risk characterization of NDL-PCBs is confounded by the presence of highly potent dioxin-like impurities. We used ultrapure PCB 180 to characterize its toxicity profile in a 28-day repeat dose toxicity study in young adult rats extended to cover endocrine and behavioral effects. Using a loading dose/maintenance dose regimen, groups of 5 males and 5 females were given total doses of 0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 or 1700 mg PCB 180/kg body weight by gavage. Dose-responses were analyzed using benchmark dose modeling based on dose and adipose tissue PCB concentrations. Body w…

research product

Compendium of TCDD-mediated transcriptomic response datasets in mammalian model systems.

Background 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is the most potent congener of the dioxin class of environmental contaminants. Exposure to TCDD causes a wide range of toxic outcomes, ranging from chloracne to acute lethality. The severity of toxicity is highly dependent on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Binding of TCDD to the AHR leads to changes in transcription of numerous genes. Studies evaluating the transcriptional changes brought on by TCDD may provide valuable insight into the role of the AHR in human health and disease. We therefore compiled a collection of transcriptomic datasets that can be used to aid the scientific community in better understanding the transcriptiona…

research product

Transcriptional profiling of rat hypothalamus response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin

In some mammals, halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon (HAH) exposure causes wasting syndrome, defined as significant weight loss associated with lethal outcomes. The most potent HAH in causing wasting is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-r-dioxin (TCDD), which exerts its toxic effects through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Since TCDD toxicity is thought to predominantly arise from dysregulation of AHR-transcribed genes, it was hypothesized that wasting syndrome is a result of to TCDD-induced dysregulation of genes involved in regulation of food-intake. As the hypothalamus is the central nervous systems' regulatory center for food-intake and energy balance. Therefore, mRNA abundances in hypothala…

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Gut Microbiota, Microbial Metabolites and Human Physical Performance

Trillions of microbes inhabiting the gut modulate the metabolism of the host. Cross-sectional studies have reported associations between physical performance and the gut microbiota (GM). Physical activity seems to increase GM diversity and the abundance of certain health-beneficial microbes. We reviewed the evidence from longitudinal studies on the connection between physically active lifestyle or long-term exercise interventions and the GM. We made literature searches using databases of Web of Science and PubMed Medline to collect human studies showing or not the associations between the GM and exercise. Many controversies exist in the studies. However, the longitudinal studies show that f…

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Effect of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on Hormones of Energy Balance in a TCDD-Sensitive and a TCDD-Resistant Rat Strain

One of the hallmarks of the acute toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a drastically reduced feed intake by an unknown mechanism. To further elucidate this wasting syndrome, we followed the effects of a single large dose (100 μg/kg) of TCDD on the serum levels of several energy balance-influencing hormones, clinical chemistry variables, and hepatic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) expression in two rat strains that differ widely in their TCDD sensitivities, for up to 10 days. TCDD affected most of the analytes in sensitive Long-Evans rats, while there were few alterations in the resistant Han/Wistar strain. However, analyses of feed-restricted unexposed Long-Evans rats i…

research product

Prebiotic Xylo-oligosaccharides Targeting Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Prevent High Fat Diet-induced Hepatic Steatosis in Rats

Understanding the importance of gut microbiota (GM) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has raised the hope for therapeutic microbes. We have shown that high hepatic fat associated with low abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in humans and further, administration of F. prausnitzii prevented NAFLD in mice. Here, we aimed to target F. prausnitzii by prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) to treat NAFLD. First, the effect of XOS on F. prausnitzii growth was assessed in vitro. Then, XOS was supplemented or not with high (HFD) or low (LFD) fat-diet for 12-weeks in Wistar rats (n=10/group). XOS increased F. prausnitzii growth having only minor impact on the GM composition. When supp…

research product

Toxicological Profile of Ultrapure 2,29,3,4,49,5,59- Heptachlorbiphenyl (PCB 180) in Adult Rats

Abstract: PCB 180 is a persistent non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (NDL-PCB) abundantly present in food and the environment. Risk characterization of NDL-PCBs is confounded by the presence of highly potent dioxin-like impurities. We used ultrapure PCB 180 to characterize its toxicity profile in a 28-day repeat dose toxicity study in young adult rats extended to cover endocrine and behavioral effects. Using a loading dose/maintenance dose regimen, groups of 5 males and 5 females were given total doses of 0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 or 1700 mg PCB 180/kg body weight by gavage. Dose- responses were analyzed using benchmark dose modeling based on dose and adipose tissue PCB concentrati…

research product

Dentate spikes and learning : disrupting hippocampal function during memory consolidation can improve pattern separation

Hippocampal dentate spikes (DSs) are short-duration, large-amplitude fluctuations in hilar local field potentials and take place while resting and sleeping. During DSs, dentate gyrus granule cells increase firing while CA1 pyramidal cells decrease firing. Recent findings suggest DSs play a significant role in memory consolidation after training on a hippocampus-dependent, nonspatial associative learning task. Here, we aimed to find out whether DSs are important in other types of hippocampus-dependent learning tasks as well. To this end, we trained adult male Sprague-Dawley rats in a spatial reference memory task, a fixed interval task, and a pattern separation task. During a rest period im…

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Genotype determining aerobic exercise capacity associates with behavioral plasticity in middle-aged rats

Good aerobic fitness associates positively with cognitive performance and brain health and conversely, low aerobic fitness predisposes to neurodegenerative diseases. To study how genotype together with exercise, started at older age, affects brain and behavior, we utilized rats that differ in inherited aerobic fitness. Rats bred for Low Capacity for Running (LCR) are shown to display less synaptic plasticity and more inflammation in the hippocampus and perform worse than rats bred for a High Capacity for Running (HCR) in tasks requiring flexible cognition. Here we used middle-aged (∼ 16 months) HCR and LCR rats to study how genotype and sex associate with anxiety and neural information filt…

research product

Rats with elevated genetic risk for metabolic syndrome exhibit cognitive deficiencies when young

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a known risk factor for cognitive decline. Using polygenic rat models selectively bred for high and low intrinsic exercise capacity and simultaneously modelling as low and high innate risk factor for MetS respectively, we have previously shown that adult animals with lower exercise capacity/higher MetS risk perform poorly in tasks requiring flexible cognition. However, it is not known whether these deficits in cognition are present already at young age. Also, it is unclear whether the high risk genome is related also to lower-level cognition, such as sensory gating measured as prepulse inhibition. In this study, young and adult (5-8 weeks and ∼9 months) rats sel…

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Irradiation of the head reduces adult hippocampal neurogenesis and impairs spatial memory, but leaves overall health intact in rats.

Treatment of brain cancer, glioma, can cause cognitive impairment as a side‐effect, possibly because it disrupts the integrity of the hippocampus, a structure vital for normal memory. Radiotherapy is commonly used to treat glioma, but the effects of irradiation on the brain are still poorly understood, and other biological effects have not been extensively studied. Here we exposed healthy adult male rats to small and moderate‐dose irradiation of the head. We found no effect of irradiation on systemic inflammation, weight gain or gut microbiota diversity, although it increased the abundance of Bacteroidaceae family, namely Bacteroides genus in the gut microbiota. Irradiation had no effect on…

research product

Identification of Gut Microbial Lysine and Histidine Degradation and CYP-Dependent Metabolites as Biomarkers of Fatty Liver Disease

Numerous studies have described specific metabolites as biomarkers ofsevere liver diseases, but very few have measured gut microbiota (GM)-produced metab-olites in fatty liver disease. We aimed atfinding GM signatures and metabolite markersin plasma and feces related to high liver fat content. Based on imaging, we dividedstudy participants into low (,5%, LF,n= 25) and high (.5%, HF,n= 39) liver fatgroups. Fecal (LFn= 14, HFn= 25) and plasma (LFn= 11, HFn= 7) metabolomes ofsubsets of participants were studied using liquid chromatography/high resolution massspectrometry. The GM were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally,blood clinical variables and diet were studied. Dyslipide…

research product

Rats bred for low intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity link obesity with brain inflammation and reduced structural plasticity of the hippocampus.

Abstract BACKGROUND Increasing evidence shows obesity and poor metabolic health are associated with cognitive deficits, but the mechanistic connections have yet to be resolved. We studied rats selectively bred for low and high intrinsic aerobic capacity in order to test the association between low physical fitness, a genetic predisposition for obesity, and brain health. We hypothesized that low-capacity runner (LCR) rats with concurrently greater levels of adiposity would have increased hippocampal inflammation and reduced plasticity compared to the more physically fit high-capacity runner (HCR) rats. METHODS We examined markers for inflammation and brain plasticity in the hippocampi of LCR…

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A collagen extraction and deuterium oxide stable isotope tracer method for the quantification of bone collagen synthesis rates in vivo.

Abstract The development of safe and practical strategies to prevent weakening of bone tissue is vital, yet attempts to achieve this have been hindered by a lack of understanding of the short‐term (days‐weeks) physiology of bone collagen turnover. To address this, we have developed a method to quantify bone collagen synthesis in vivo, using deuterium oxide (D2O) tracer incorporation techniques combined with gas chromatography pyrolysis isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry (GC‐pyrolysis‐IRMS). Forty‐six male and female rats from a selectively bred model ingested D2O for 3 weeks. Femur diaphyses (FEM), tibia proximal (T‐PRO), and distal (T‐DIS) epiphyses‐metaphyses and tibia mid‐shaft diaphyses (T…

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Additional file 1: of Compendium of TCDD-mediated transcriptomic response datasets in mammalian model systems

Overview of Included TCDD Datasets. (XLSX 16Â kb)

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