R. Jursch
Histidine residues near the N terminus of staphylococcal alpha-toxin as reporters of regions that are critical for oligomerization and pore formation.
Chemical modification of histidine residues in staphylococcal alpha-toxin leads to loss of functional activity. Site-directed mutants of the toxin in which each of the four histidine residues was replaced by several amino acids were therefore produced. The mutant proteins were purified and characterized. Exchange of H-259 or H-144 was sometimes tolerated without reduction in hemolytic activity. These histidine residues are thus not essential for toxin function. Exchange of H-35 and H-48, however, had marked effects. H-35 mutant toxins bound with high affinity to rabbit erythrocytes but displayed faulty oligomerization and were unable to form pores. H-48 mutant toxins also had severely impai…
Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin. Production of functionally intact, site-specifically modifiable protein by introduction of cysteine at positions 69, 130, and 186
Staphylococcal alpha-toxin, the prototype of an oligomerizing, pore-forming cytotoxin, is sensitive to biochemical modifications and cannot be labeled with biotin or fluorescein under preservation of its biological activity. In this study, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to introduce cysteine residues at positions 69, 130, and 186. Each mutant was fully and rapidly reactive with several sulfhydryl-specific reagents, indicating superficial location. Coupling of SH-groups with fluorescein-maleimide or biotin-maleimide was tolerated without loss of hemolytic activity at position 130, and the formed hexamers were visible on target cells by fluorescence microscopy and could be detected on…