Putting Inputs to Work in Elementary Schools: What Can Be Done in the Philippines?
The paper consists in estimating a value-added educational production function of primary education in the Philippines. The information used match household and school-based survey data. The Huber White technique is used so as to take into account the problem of heteroscedasticity when merging individual pupil variables with class/school variables; this procedure helps relate the outcome side of the production (student learning) that concerns the individual level with the input side (school inputs such as teacher qualification, class-size, availability of pedagogical materials, ..) that concerns an aggregate level (class or school). The results show that students taught by a teachers holdin…
Student outcomes in Philippine elementary schools: An evaluation of four experiments
International audience; Policymakers in most developing countries are concerned about high dropout rates and poor student learning in primary education. The government of the Philippines initiated the Dropout Intervention Program in 1990-92 as part of its effort to address these issues. Under this program, four experimental interventions were randomly assigned to 20 schools in selected low-income areas. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected from these schools, as well as from 10 control schools, in order to evaluate the program's impact on dropout behavior and student learning. The economic justification for replication appears to be strongest for the interventions that provided te…