Andra Miķelsone
Using Anther Culture Method for Flax Breeding Intensification
Flax breeding is a long and complicated process based on hybridization and following selection of the best plants. Because of possible occasional cross-pollination the development of genetically stable homozygous lines could last more than 15 years. For more rapid creating of initial material for flax breeding anther culture methods for producing doubled haploid (DH) lines could be used successfully. The goal of this study was to develop the best anther culture protocol for producing DH lines from hybrids included in Latvian flax breeding programme and to do preliminary field evaluation of obtained DH lines. F4 hybrids were used in the experiment. Method, most applicable for establishing of…
Anther Culture Effectiveness in Producing Doubled Haploids of Cereals/ Putekðòu Kultûras Efektivitâte Graudaugu Dubultoto Haploîdu Izveidoðanâ
Abstract Our goal was to improve the method of obtaining double haploids (DH) by anther culture from Latvian breeding material for several agriculturally important cereals in Latvia: barley, spring and winter wheat. Hybrids from Latvian breeders were initial material. It was found that copper (2.5 mg/l) added to barley anther pre-treatment media and to both barley (C3) and wheat (liquid AMC) induction media, resulted in a higher percentage of green plants-regenerants. In general, the winter wheat hybrids exhibited lower embryogenesis than spring wheat hybrids. Obtaining a large number of DH lines from barley and wheat hybrids with unknown androgenesis response can be organized in two stages…
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the oldest fibre and oil crop in Europe, including Latvia. In the middle of the last century growing areas of this crop was reduced dramatically. Nowadays flax attracted a great interest again as a fibre and oil processor, as well as a crop for diversification of agriculture and, in the same time, as a crop for producing high quality fibre for industry, high quantity oil for biofuel and high quality oil for feeding, food, and pharmacy (source of α-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and vitamins). We evaluated all available flax accessions of the Latvian origin and number of their hybrid lines. Agronomically important qualitative and quantitative traits, su…