Franck Amadieu

Cartes conceptuelles pour la formation : rôle des connaissances antérieures et de la consigne

ISBN : 979-10-92329-02‐5; National audience; L'étude présentée vise à déterminer le rôle des connaissances antérieures dans la construction de cartes conceptuelles, dans la mémorisation et l'apprentissage de connaissances issues d'un domaine de connaissances précis (l'effet de serre pour notre étude), en fonction de la consigne donnée (orienté la base de textes vs vers la construction d'un modèle de situation). Des étudiants de psychologie (avec peu de connaissances sur l'effet de serre) et des étudiants de biologie (avec un niveau élevé de connaissances sur l'effet de serre) ont participé à l'étude. Après avoir construit des cartes conceptuelles, les participants devaient répondre à des qu…

research product

Concept Maps for Comprehension and Navigation of Hypertexts

Comprehension and learning with hypertexts are challenging due to the nonlinearity of such digital documents. Processing hypertexts may involve navigation and comprehension problems, leading learners to cognitive overhead. Concept maps have been added to hypertexts to reduce the cognitive requirements of navigation and comprehension. This chapter explores the literature to examine the effects of concept maps on navigation, comprehension, and learning from hypertexts. The literature review aims to elucidate how concept maps may contribute to processing hypertexts and under which conditions. In spite of the variability of concept maps used in hypertexts, some findings converge. Concept maps r…

research product

Integrating digital documents by means of concept maps: testing an intervention program with eye-movements modelling examples

When using the Internet to learn about a curricular topic students face the challenge of not only understanding each single document, but also of integrating the ideas in a combined representation. Several intervention studies have tested instructional methods, such as building concept maps, aimed at teaching integration of multiple documents to Secondary education and older students. However, building a concept map may be demanding for learners and requires competencies to build maps in an appropriate way. In the current study we explore the extent to which such integration processes relying a concept map mapping instruction can be efficiently taught to 6th grade students. Specifically, we…

research product