Alfonso Valle-muñoz

Los niveles en sangre de PGC-1α predice miocardio salvado y remodelado ventricular tras infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST

et al.

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Metaplasia grasa. Dos infartos crónicos en el mismo paciente detectados por cardiorresonancia

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Late gadolinium enhancement-cardiovascular magnetic resonance identifies coronary artery disease as the aetiology of left ventricular dysfunction in acute new-onset congestive heart failure

Aims We evaluated the ability of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) to identify acute new-onset heart failure (HF) with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD), whether or not in relation to underlying coronary artery disease (CAD), in patients with no clinical evidence of associated ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Methods and results Hundred consecutive patients admitted with acute new-onset decompensated HF and EF ,40%, with no clinical or electrocardiographic data suggestive of CAD. The patients were classified according to the presence or absence of significant CAD (stenosis � 70% in at least one major vessel). Twenty-one patients (21%) had si…

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Valoración no invasiva de injertos aortocoronarios y coronarias nativas con tomografía computarizada de 64 detectores: comparación con la coronariografía invasiva

Introduccion y objetivos Aunque la tomografia computarizada (TC) multidetector muestra una elevada exactitud diagnostica en la valoracion no invasiva de las arterias coronarias e injertos, son escasos los trabajos que valoren su fiabilidad en el estudio conjunto de vasos nativos, injertos y vasos distales a las anastomosis. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la exactitud diagnostica de la TC de 64 detectores en la valoracion de injertos coronarios y arterias coronarias nativas. Metodos Se estudia con TC de 64 detectores a 36 pacientes revascularizados quirurgicamente e indicacion clinica de evaluacion angiografica de sus injertos. Se analizo la exactitud diagnostica de la TC para la det…

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La concentración sanguínea de PGC-1a predice miocardio salvado y remodelado ventricular tras infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST

et al.

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Diagnóstico etilógico de la disfunción ventricular izquierda con tomografia computerizada: comparación con coronariografía y cardiorresonancia

[EN] Introduction and objectives To evaluate the capability of multidetector computed tomography to diagnose the coronary etiology of left ventricular dysfunction compared with using invasive coronary angiography and magnetic resonance. Methods Forty consecutive patients with left ventricular dysfunction of uncertain etiology underwent invasive coronary angiography and contrast magnetic resonance. All patients were evaluated with multidetector computed tomography including coronary calcium presence and score, noninvasive coronary angiography, and myocardial tissue assessment. Results The sensitivity and specificity of the presence of coronary calcium to identify left ventricular dysfunction…

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Non-Invasive Assessment of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts and Native Coronary Arteries Using 64-Slice Computed Tomography: Comparison With Invasive Coronary Angiography

Introduction and objectives Although the diagnostic accuracy of CT in the non-invasive assessment of coronary arteries and grafts is known to be high, only a few studies have investigated the technique's reliability for the combined assessment of native coronary arteries, grafts, and vessels lying distal to anastomoses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice CT for assessing coronary grafts and native coronary arteries. Methods In the study, 64-slice CT was used to evaluate 36 patients who had undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery and had a clinical indication for angiographic graft assessment. The diagnostic accuracy of CT for identifying signifi…

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Lipomatous Metaplasia. Two Chronic Infarcts in the Same Patient Detected by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

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Clinical Benefit of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy With a Defibrillator in Patients With an Ejection Fraction > 35% Estimated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

A B S T R A C T Introduction and objectives: Cardiac resynchronization therapy with a defibrillator prolongs survival and improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. Traditionally, patients with ejection fraction > 35 estimated by echocardiography have been excluded. We assessed the prognostic impact of this therapy in a group of patients with severely depressed systolic function as assessed by echocardiography but with an ejection fraction > 35% as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance. Methods: We analyzed consecutive patients admitted for decompensated heart failure between 2004 and 2011. The patients were in functional class II-IV, with a QRS to 120 ms, ejection fraction 35% es…

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