Ryszard K. Borówka
The response of flood-plain ecosystems to the Late Glacial and Early Holocene hydrological changes: A case study from a small Central European river valley
Abstract We use a range of environmental variables to explore the possible drivers influencing the biota, especially the composition of aquatic invertebrates, during the Younger Dryas (YD) and Early Holocene (EH) in different river valley sites: a well-developed meandering river and the confluence zone of headwater streams. Using pollen, macrofossil, cladoceran, and chironomid as well as geochemical and lithological data as proxies for environmental factors (i.e., water depth and temperature), we attempt to show that these different sites display similar hydroclimatic signals (especially floods). The geochemical records in the studied valley are correlated with environmental factors, such a…
Late Weichselian and Holocene record of the paleoenvironmental changes in a small river valley in Central Poland
Abstract: The developmental history, from the Oldest Dryas to the Late Holocene, of a paleolake and mire located in a river valley in Central Poland was studied using high-resolution records of pollen, macrofossils, Cladocera, sedimentology, and geochemistry from a 14 C dated sediment core. We inferred temperature and water level dynamics using cladocerans and palynological and geochemical methods were employed to investigate natural fluvial activity, particularly for these elements that are difficult to find through sedimentological methods. Our research demonstrates how climate fluctuation in the Late Glacial and Holocene periods influenced the development of a paleolake and mire in a sma…