V. Giménez
Two-loop calculation of the anomalous dimension of the axial current with static heavy quarks
Abstract A method to perform two-loop calculations in Eichten's effective field theory for heavy quarks is developed. The anomalous dimension of the axial current for static heavy quarks is calculated at two loops. For N = 3, we get γ A (2) = − 1 36 [ 127 2 +28ξ(2)−5N f ] . This result is very important to understand completely the physical significance of the lattice measurement of the decay constant of the B meson. The two-loop correction generated by γ A (2) turns out to be small, less than 1% for four quark flavours, so that the value of the decay constant of the B meson does not need in practice renormalization group improvement. As extra results, the self-energy renormalization consta…
BK from the lattice with Wilson quarks
We report our results for the bag-parameter BK obtained from the quenched simulations on the lattice with Wilson fermions at three values of the lattice spacing. We implemented the method by which no subtraction of the mixing with other four-fermion dS=2 operators is needed. Our final result, in terms of the renormalisation group invariant bag-parameter, is BK = 0.96 +/- 0.10.
Renormalization of the effective theory for heavy quarks at small velocity
The slope of the Isgur-Wise function at the normalization point, $\xi^{(1)}(1)$,is one of the basic parameters for the extraction of the $CKM$ matrix element $V_{cb}$ from exclusive semileptonic decay data. A method for measuring this parameter on the lattice is the effective theory for heavy quarks at small velocity $v$. This theory is a variant of the heavy quark effective theory in which the motion of the quark is treated as a perturbation. In this work we study the lattice renormalization of the slow heavy quark effective theory. We show that the renormalization of $\xi^{(1)}(1)$ is not affected by ultraviolet power divergences, implying no need of difficult non-perturbative subtraction…