Gintaras Valušis
Electromagnetic shielding efficiency in Ka-band: carbon foam versus epoxy/carbon nanotube composites
The wide application of microwaves stimulates searching for new materials with high electrical conductivity and electromagnetic (EM) interference shielding effectiveness (SE). We conducted a comparative study of EM SE in K a -band demonstrated by ultra-light micro-structural porous carbon solids (carbon foams) of different bulk densities, 0.042 to 0.150 g/cm 3 , and conventional flexible epoxy resin filled with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in small concentrations, 1.5 wt.%. Microwave probing of carbon foams showed that the transmission through a 2 mm-thick layer strongly decreases with decreasing the pore size up to the level of 0.6%, due to a rise of reflectance ability. At the same time, 1 mm…
Soft mode in PMN–PSN ceramics
Various ordered and disordered (1–x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 –x Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)O3 (PMN–PSN) ceramics were studied by THz transmission spectroscopy in the temperature range of 10–300 K. It is found that the dielectric relaxation dominates in the spectra in higher temperatures, T > 170 K. In contrast, below 150 K, the strength of relaxation becomes so weak that the phonon contribution can be separated. The phonon contributribution in the investigated frequency range (200 GHz–2 THz) is presumably caused by the E component of the Last mode. The component exhibits hardening on cooling in all investigated ceramics and its critical temperature in ferroelectric PMN–PSN ceramics (x = 1, 0.95) is lower than t…
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3Ordered Ceramics
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of PbSc 1/2 Nb 1/2 O 3 (PSN) ordered ceramics are reported within the range of 20 Hz ≤ ν ≤ 2 THz in 80 K ≤ T ≤ 300 K temperatures. Spectrally very broad dielectric dispersion consisting of two parts − at lower frequencies, ferroelectric domains cause a dispersion and at higher frequencies, higher temperatures the relaxation soft mode is responsible for the dispersion. The relaxation soft mode exhibit pronounced hardening on cooling, whilst the ferroelectric phase transition is connected with an abrupt freezing and rise of polar nanoregions into ferroelectric domains.