Jaana Saarinen

Liike ja hetki : kollektiivisen biografian sommitelmia (nyky)akatemiassa

Lukijalle 1. Yliopistoa tutkimassa Sivistystä, lupauksia, kurjistumista Miten meistä tuli yliopistolaisia Metodologisia polkuja 2. Kollektiivisen biografian teoriasta, metodologiasta ja prosessista Kollektiivisen biografian juuret: muistelutyö Subjektiksi tuleminen kielellisen tekniikoissa Kollektiivinen biografia tulemisensa tilassa Minusta meiksi, yksilöstä monikolliseksi: kollektiivista työskentelyä Tiloissa 3. Tila, valo, inspiraatio: Villa Salin Mitattavia jälkiä eli kun 2000-luvun yliopisto kantautuu 1900-luvun alun porvarishuvilaan Minne katosi oma huone ja feministinen tila? Brändättyä nomaditutkijan elämää Lähtökuopissa 4. ”Matkalla olen onnellinen” Vaeltelua erilaisissa tiloissa …

research product

The power dance in the research interview: manifesting power and powerlessness

We examine the power that is manifested between interviewers and interviewees in research interviews. Our empirical examples are drawn from interviews conducted with: (a) a vocational teacher; and (b) a senior researcher. We analysed the manifestations of power both in the course of the interviews and across interviews. We found that power is exercised and distributed diversely and situationally between the interview participants (interviewer and interviewee) during the interviews. It appeared that in a given interview, the interplay between individual backgrounds and the interview setting was connected to the activities through which power was manifested, and that these activities played …

research product

The power dance in research interview. Manifesting power and powerless

We examine the power that is manifested between interviewers and interviewees in research interviews. Our empirical examples are drawn from interviews conducted with: (a) a vocational teacher; and (b) a senior researcher. We analysed the manifestations of power both in the course of the interviews and across interviews. We found that power is exercised and distributed diversely and situationally between the interview participants (interviewer and interviewee) during the interviews. It appeared that in a given interview, the interplay between individual backgrounds and the interview setting was connected to the activities through which power was manifested, and that these activities played a…

research product

Between school and working life: Vocational teachers’ agency in boundary-crossing settings

Abstract This paper investigates agency among vocational teachers with reference to boundary-crossing between school and working life. Our study utilised interviews with sixteen Finnish vocational teachers. Adopting a narrative analysis approach, we found that the teachers had a variety of forms of exercising agency in terms of decisions deliberately taken, and the discourse and actions following these decisions. These forms were: (i) restricted agency, (ii) extensive agency, (iii) multifaceted balancing agency, (iv) situationally diverse agency, and (v) relationally emergent agency. The exercising of agency was intertwined with the main resources and constraints emerging from the teachers’…

research product

Outcome of multilevel surgery experienced by adolescent patients with cerebral palsy and their parents

research product

Muutosvalmius ja toimivat yhteistyökäytänteet avaimina onnistuneeseen opetussuunnitelmaprosessiin

Opetussuunnitelmien toimeenpano on yksi pedagogiikan kehittymisen kriittisistä pisteistä. Vaikka kirjoitettu opetussuunnitelma olisi kuinka ajantasainen ja jäsentynyt, se jää vain juhlapuheisiin ja pöytäkirjoihin, elleivät opetussuunnitelman tavoitteet, arvopohja ja toimintakulttuurin kuvaukset jalostu koulujen käytänteisiin. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa 2014 on useita sellaisia kohtia, joiden jalkautumista opetukseen ja oppimiseen on kiinnostavaa katsoa opetuksen ja oppimisen kehittämisen näkökulmasta. Valitsimme tähän artikkeliin tarkasteltavaksi laaja-alaisen osaamisen ja valtakunnallisten vs. paikallisten opetussuunnitelmien laadinnan. Näitä teemoja on selvitetty Karvin…

research product