José Luis Cebrián Carretero

Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst. A Case report

Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are benign cysts arising from the dental lamina and its remnants. They are most commonly located in the posterior body and the ramus of the mandible. The diagnosis of peripheral OKCs (other than intraosseous) are extremely

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Rhinoorbitocerebral mucormycosis : A case report and literature review

Mucormycosis is a rare oportunistic infection typically described in diabetic patients with a ketoacidotic status, as well as neutropenic patients. The infection is caused by a group of saprophytic fungi of the class Phycomicetes, being the most frequent ones the Rhizomucor, Rhizopus and Mucor. Its hystological findings include vascular trombosis and tissue necrosis, predominantly in the rino-orbito-cerebral area. Even though the frequency of presentation is very low, given its rapid evolution and severe consequences which include a high mortality rate, it is very important to be aware of the main features of the disease and treat it promptly. Although the diagnosis is based on the high cli…

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Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible : case presentation and review of the literature

The aneurysmatic osseus cyst is a very infrequent bone lesion which in some occasions can be found at the craneofacial skeleton. Among all the cystic lesions that can be found at the mandible or the maxilla it is very rare. On the other side it is at the same time very interesting in terms of its differential diagnose with other types of maxillary bone lesions We present the case of a Caucasian male with an aneurysmatic cyst located at the right angle of the mandible and a review of the literature concerning the case. We have focused on the differential diagnose, mainly with the malignancies that can be found at this location. We also comment the therapeutic options clasically described for…

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Repositioning of the inferior alveolar nerve in cases of severe mandibular atrophy. a clinical case.

Implant-based rehabilitation of edentulous mandibular posterior sectors tends to be complicated by the presence of bone atrophy. Following tooth loss, cortical bone suffers greater resorption on the vestibular than on the lingual aspect, and patients typically present narrow and low alveolar crests. In cases of moderate to severe mandibular atrophy, the bone height between the alveolar crest and the dental canal is small, and sometimes limited to only a few millimeters. Implant placement in such situations is very difficult, and implies the risk of inferior alveolar nerve damage. In certain cases bone grafting may be considered to restore the alveolar crest. We present a case of severe mand…

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Ulcera crónica lingual inducida por lipoma de la cavidad oral: caso clinico

Aunque se trata de uno de los tumores benignos más frecuentes del organismo, el hallazgo de lipomas en la cavidad oral es un hecho inusual. En esta localización suelen presentar un crecimiento lento, indoloro y asintomático que puede dar lugar a tumoraciones redondeadas y bien definidas de gran tamaño. En estos casos son frecuentes los síntomas relacionados con la compresión de las estructuras vecinas. En el presente trabajo estudiamos el caso clínico de un paciente en el que el lipoma intraoral fue el hallazgo definitivo tras el diagnostico diferencial exhaustivo de una úlcera crónica de la lengua y del suelo de la boca. La clave para el diagnóstico fueron las pruebas de imagen (TC y RNM) …

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Masa intraoral de rápido crecimiento: a propósito de un caso

La aparición de una masa intraoral supone un motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestra especialidad. La mayoría de los casos corresponden a lesiones benignas y, dentro de las malignas, a tumores primarios intraorales. Las metástasis suponen menos del 1 % de las lesiones malignas. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 86 años de edad, sin antecedentes oncológicos, que acudió a nuestro servicio presentando una masa intraoral asintomática, de crecimiento rápido y volumen considerable, sin otros hallazgos de interés a la exploración. La lesión se acompañaba de erosión ósea subyacente. El resultado de la biopsia fue de adenocarcinoma metastático de probable origen abdominal, si bien el tumor primari…

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Gastroesophageal reflux diagnosed by occlusal splint tintion

The gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease is a very frequent digestive disorder, mainly characterised by the reflux of the gastric acidic content to the esophage in abnormal quantities. There are different situations that favour this situation but almost in all of them rely an incompetence of the esophagic sphincter. The clinical consequences are many, including oral manifestations. Among all of them the most frequent is the esophagitis followed by symptoms at the pharynx or larynx and finally, the oral cavity. At this level fundamentally we will find enamel and oral mucosa erosions. We report the case of a patient who was indirectly diagnosed of her esophague disease by the observation of …

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Diagnóstico de reflujo gastro-esofágico mediante impregnación por ácido de férula oclusal

El teflujo gastro-esofágico (RGE) es un trastorno digestivo muy frecuente que se caracteriza por el paso de cantidades patológicas de ácido del estómago hacia el esófago. Esto es debido a una incompetencia de los mecanismos que regulan la retención del contenido gástrico en el estómago por causas primarias o secundarias. Las consecuencias clínicas de este reflujo afectan al tracto aerodigestivo superior, incluyendo la boca. Lo más frecuente es la esofagitis, seguido por la afectación de faringe y laringe y finalmente por alteraciones patológicas en la boca. A éste nivel lo más frecuente es la erosión del esmalte y las lesiones erosivas de la mucosa oral. Presentamos el caso de un paciente e…

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