Louis Antoine
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 18 avril 2014, Autun
International audience; Cette brochure vous permettra de redécouvrirl’ensemble des interventions visant àprésenter les résultats des prospections,fouilles préventives et programmées à Autunmais également dans de nombreux chantiersréalisés en Bourgogne.
Autun antique
National audience
A monumental schola discovered on the Boulevard Frédéric-Latouche in Augustodunum/Autun (Saône-et-Loire)
In 2011, an archaeological evaluation was carried out in the centre of the Roman city of Augustodunum (Autun) on a plot of over 1 ha. This operation afforded the opportunity to explore parts of two insulae along the main street, the so-called cardo maximus, an area that has benefited from recent advances in knowledge. The first insula hosts a high-status domus strongly resembling those of "Balbius Iassus" and the "Étui d’Or", excavated in the vicinity in the 1970s; the second, addressed in this paper, contains the remains of a vast monumental complex covering approximately 900 m2. Most probably built at the beginning of the 2nd c. on the ruins of earlier houses, it was thoroughly restructur…