Clemens Bechinger

Direct observation of a buckling transition during the formation of thin colloidal crystals

We have investigated a colloidal suspension in a thin wedge formed by two glass plates in the presence of a lateral pressure. Starting with a single hexagonal layer, with increasing separation between the glass plates additional layers are added. This process is accompanied by a number of structural transitions necessary to maintain a high packing fraction under the given boundary conditions. Besides the well-known sequence of hexagonal and quadratic phases, we observe two new phases which are identified with the buckling and the rhombic phase recently predicted by other authors.

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Diffusion of colloids in one-dimensional light channels

Single-file diffusion (SFD), prevalent in many chemical and biological processes, refers to the one-dimensional motion of interacting particles in pores which are so narrow that the mutual passage of particles is excluded. Since the sequence of particles in such a situation remains unaffected over time t, this leads to strong deviations from normal diffusion, e.g. an increase of the particle mean-square-displacement as the square root of t. We present experimental results of the diffusive behaviour of colloidal particles in one-dimensional channels with varying particle density. The channels are realized by means of a scanning optical tweezers. Based on a new analytical approach (Kollmann 2…

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Self-organization of active particles by quorum sensing rules

Many microorganisms regulate their behaviour according to the density of neighbours. Such quorum sensing is important for the communication and organisation within bacterial populations. In contrast to living systems, where quorum sensing is determined by biochemical processes, the behaviour of synthetic active particles can be controlled by external fields. Accordingly they allow to investigate how variations of a density-dependent particle response affect their self-organisation. Here we experimentally and numerically demonstrate this concept using a suspension of light-activated active particles whose motility is individually controlled by an external feedback-loop, realised by a particl…

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Single-File Diffusion of Colloids in One-Dimensional Channels

We study the diffusive behavior of colloidal particles which are confined to one-dimensional channels generated by scanning optical tweezers. At long times t, the mean-square displacement is found to scale as t(1/2), which is expected for systems where single-file diffusion occurs. In addition, we experimentally obtain the long-time, self-diffusive behavior from the short-time collective density fluctuations of the system as suggested by a recent analytical approach [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 180602 (2003)]. published

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