Predicting the Breakthrough of Ternary Ca–Uranyl–Carbonate Species in Mineral Water Treated by a Fixed-Bed Granular Ferric Hydroxide Adsorbent
A CD-MUSIC surface complexation model was set up on the basis of batch equilibrium experiments with uranyl ions and akaganeite-based granular ferric hydroxide (GFH), which is often used in water pu...
Predicting breakthrough of vanadium in fixed-bed absorbent columns with complex groundwater chemistries: A multi-component granular ferric hydroxide−vanadate−arsenate−phosphate−silicic acid system
Granular ferric hydroxide (GFH) is often used for fixed bed adsorbent (FBA) columns in groundwater purification units around the world to remove arsenate contaminations. Groundwater can contain also other toxic (e.g., antimonite and vanadate) and non-toxic oxo-anions (phosphate and silicic acid) that are known to affect FBA lifetimes. Therefore, understanding the breakthrough of toxic compounds intended for removal by FBA is essential to their design, and is important to predict accurately breakthrough curves (BTCs) for FBAs in waterworks to plan future operating costs. Rapid small-scale column tests (RSCCT) and pilot-scale FBA were used to simulate vanadate BTCs for complex groundwater che…