Ch.w. Lerche

Impact of the scattering coefficient of scintillation crystals (LYSO and LSO) on depth of interaction resolution

Intrinsic parameters in scintillation crystals play a crucial role in the measured spatial and energy resolutions. In many cases the measurement of these intrinsic parameters is difficult to be carried out or even there are parameters that need a specific setup to be measured directly, e.g. the intrinsic light yield and the absorption and scattering coefficients. These uncertainties in the parametrization of the characteristics of the scintillation crystals make it quite difficult to evaluate the quality and characteristics of the scintillation crystals and their impact on the resolutions. Results of measurements of depth of interaction and its resolutions for three different scintillation …

research product

Position sensitive scintillator based detector improvements by means of an integrated front-end

PESIC is an integrated front-end for multianode photomultiplier based nuclear imaging devices. Its architecture has been designed to improve position sensitive detectors behavior by equalizing its response over its whole area. Its preamplying stage introduces two main benefits: digitally programmable gain adjustment for every photomultiplier output, and isolation from other front-end electronics by means of current buffers. This last feature allows to use different types of photomultipliers and optimizes front-end deadtime, reducing impact position dependent output delay. PESIC also includes an indirect measurement of the depth of interaction of the gamma ray inside the scintillator crystal…

research product

SoC-Based Implementation of the Backpropagation Algorithm for MLP

The backpropagation algorithm used for the training of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) has a high degree of parallelism and is therefore well-suited for hardware implementation on an ASIC or FPGA. However, most implementations are lacking in generality of application, either by limiting the range of trainable network topologies or by resorting to fixed-point arithmetic to increase processing speed. We propose a parallel backpropagation implementation on a multiprocessor system-on-chip (SoC) with a large number of independent floating-point processing units, controlled by software running on embedded processors in order to allow flexibility in the selection of the network topology to be traine…

research product

Maximum likelihood positioning for gamma-ray imaging detectors with depth of interaction measurement

Abstract The center of gravity algorithm leads to strong artifacts for gamma-ray imaging detectors that are based on monolithic scintillation crystals and position sensitive photo-detectors. This is a consequence of using the centroids as position estimates. The fact that charge division circuits can also be used to compute the standard deviation of the scintillation light distribution opens a way out of this drawback. We studied the feasibility of maximum likelihood estimation for computing the true gamma-ray photo-conversion position from the centroids and the standard deviation of the light distribution. The method was evaluated on a test detector that consists of the position sensitive …

research product

PESIC: An Integrated Front-End for PET Applications

An ASIC front-end has been developed for multi-anode photomultiplier based nuclear imaging devices. Its architecture has been designed to improve resolution and decrease pile-up probability in Positron Emission Tomography systems which employ continuous scintillator crystals. Analog computation elements are isolated from the photomultiplier by means of a current sensitive preamplifier stage. This allows digitally programmable adjustment of every anode gain, also providing better resolution in gamma event position calculation and a shorter front-end deadtime. The preamplifier stage also offers the possibility of using other types of photomultiplier devices such as SiPM. The ASIC architecture…

research product