Christian David

Preparation of synthetic sandstones with variable cementation for studying the physical properties of granular rocks

In this article, we report a new set of procedures to fabricate synthetic analogues of granular rocks. These procedures permit accurate control of the most important structural parameters (i.e., grain size, porosity, cement content). We were thus able to prepare two varieties of synthetic sandstones in which only the cement content significantly varied. Our procedures were also particularly successful in producing materials that were very similar to natural rocks. To demonstrate this similarity, we compared the microstructure, the mechanical properties (i.e., strength, elastic moduli) and the mechanical behaviour (i.e., brittle or ductile) of the synthetic materials to those of various natu…

research product

Influence of microporosity distribution on the mechanical behavior of oolithic carbonate rocks.

Abstract The mechanical behavior of oolithic carbonate rocks was investigated for selected rocks with two different microstructural attributes: uniform (UP) and rimmed (RP) distribution of microporosity within ooids. These oolithic carbonate rocks are from the Oolithe Blanche formation, a deep saline aquifer in the Paris Basin, and a possible target for CO2 sequestration and geothermal production. Samples of similar physical properties (porosity, grain diameter, cement content) but different microporosity textures were deformed under triaxial configuration, in water saturated conditions, at 28 MPa of confining pressure, 5 MPa of pore pressure and at a temperature of 55 °C. During the experi…

research product

Pore fabric geometry inferred from magnetic and acoustic anisotropies in rocks with various mineralogy, permeability and porosity.

14 pages; International audience; he ferrofluid impregnation technique combined with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements (AMSff) is one of the ways to analyze the 3-D geometry of the pore space in a rock and indirectly to infer the anisotropy of permeability. We applied this method on different types of rocks (sandstones and carbonates) with a range of different porosity values (10-30%) and permeability (1 mD to 1 D). To get additional information on both the pore aspect ratio and the directional anisotropy we used another technique, measuring the anisotropy of P-waves velocity (APV) in dry and water saturated conditions. Comparing between both methods shows that despite the …

research product

Impact of sedimentology and diagenesis on the petrophysical properties of a tight oolitic carbonate reservoir. The case of the Oolithe Blanche Formation (Bathonian, Paris Basin, France).

18 pages; International audience; The Oolithe Blanche Formation was studied in three quarries, located at the south-eastern edge of the Paris Basin (France). Heterogeneities in reservoir properties were assessed through a sedimentological, diagenetic and petrophysical study. The relationships between depositional settings, diagenesis and petrophysical properties were analysed using detailed petrographic studies, image analysis, Nano CTscans and petrophysical measurements. The carbonate reservoir pore network is mainly controlled by intraparticle microporosity which ensures the connectivity with interparticle meso- and macroporosity. Early cementation vs. early compaction processes (mainly g…

research product