Rainer Erbes
Conservative swept volume boundary approximation
We present a novel technique for approximating the boundary of a swept volume. The generator given by an input triangle mesh is rendered under all rigid transformations of a discrete trajectory. We use a special shader program that creates offset geometry of each triangle on the fly, thus guaranteeing a conservative rasterization and correct depth values. Utilizing rasterization mechanisms and the depth buffer we then get a conservative voxelization of the swept volume (SV) and can extract a triangle mesh from its surface. This mesh is simplified maintaining conservativeness as well as an error bound measured in terms of the one-sided Hausdorff distance. For this we introduce a new techniqu…
Parallel Collision Queries on the GPU
We present parallel algorithms to accelerate collision tests of rigid body objects for a high number of independent transformations as they occur in sampling-based motion planning and path validation problems. We compare various GPU approaches with a different level of parallelism against each other and against a parallel CPU implementation. Our algorithms require no sophisticated load balancing schemes. They make no assumption on the distribution of the input transformations and require no pre-processing. Yet, we can perform up to 1 million collision tests per second with our best GPU implementation in our benchmarks. This is about 2.5X faster than our reference multi-core CPU implementati…
The Role of Wind Speed and Wind Shear for Banner Cloud Formation
Abstract Banner clouds are clouds that appear to be attached to the leeward face of a steep mountain. This paper investigates the role of wind speed and wind shear for the formation of banner clouds. Large-eddy simulations are performed to simulate the flow of dry air past an idealized pyramid-shaped mountain. The potential for cloud formation is diagnosed through the Lagrangian vertical parcel displacement, which in the case of a banner cloud shows a plume of large values in the lee of the mountain. In addition, vortical structures are visualized through streamlines and their curvature. A series of sensitivity experiments indicates that both the flow and the banner cloud occurrence are lar…