J.c. Baraza
Analysis of the influence of processor hidden registers on the accuracy of fault injection techniques
Modern processors tend to increase the number of registers, being part of them not accessible by the instruction set. Traditionally, the effect of faults in these hidden registers has not been considered during system validation using fault injection. In this paper, a study of the importance of faults in hidden registers is performed. Firstly, we have analysed the sensitivity of hidden registers to faults in combinational logic. In a second phase, we have analysed the impact of the faults occurred in hidden registers on system behaviour. A broad set of permanent and transient faults have been injected into the models of two typical commercial microcontrollers, using a VHDL-based fault injec…
Fault Injection into VHDL Models: Experimental Validation of a Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer System
This work presents a campaign of fault injection to validate the dependability of a fault tolerant microcomputer system. The system is duplex with cold stand-by sparing, parity detection and a watchdog timer. The faults have been injected on a chip-level VHDL model, using an injection tool designed with this purpose. We have carried out a set of injection experiments (with 3000 injections each), injecting transient and permanent faults of types stuck-at, open-line and indetermination on both the signals and variables of the system, running a workload. We have analysed the pathology of the propagated errors, measured their latency, and calculated both detection and recovery coverage. We have…