R. Cereseto
Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module
SIRE(opens in a new window)|View at Publisher| Export | Download | Add to List | More... European Physical Journal C Volume 74, Issue 9, 1 September 2014, 8p Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module: KM3NeT Collaboration (Article) Adrián-Martínez, S.a, Ageron, M.b, Aharonian, F.c, Aiello, S.d, Albert, A.e, Ameli, F.f, Anassontzis, E.G.g, Anghinolfi, M.h, Anton, G.i, Anvar, S.j, Ardid, M.a, de Asmundis, R.k, Balasi, K.l, Band, H.m, Barbarino, G.kn, Barbarito, E.o, Barbato, F.kn, Baret, B.p, Baron, S.p, Belias, A.lq, Berbee, E.m, van den Berg, A.M.r, Berkien, A.m, Bertin, V.b, Beurthey, S.b, van Beveren, V.m, Beverini, N.st, Biagi, S.uv, Bianucci, S.t, Billault, M.b,…
Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module: KM3NeT Collaboration
The first prototype of a photo-detection unit of the future KM3NeT neutrino telescope has been deployed in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This digital optical module has a novel design with a very large photocathode area segmented by the use of 31 three inch photomultiplier tubes. It has been integrated in the ANTARES detector for in-situ testing and validation. This paper reports on the first months of data taking and rate measurements. The analysis results highlight the capabilities of the new module design in terms of background suppression and signal recognition. The directionality of the optical module enables the recognition of multiple Cherenkov photons from the same $^{40…
A calorimeter for the precise determination of the activity of the 144Ce-144Pr anti-neutrino source in the SOX experiment
We describe the design and the performance of a high precision thermal calorimeter, whose purpose was the measurement of the total activity of the 144Ce-144Pr anti-neutrino source of the SOX (Short distance neutrino Oscillation with BoreXino) experiment. SOX aimed at the search for eV-scale sterile neutrinos by means of the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy and of a very powerful artificial anti-neutrino source located at 8.51 m from the detector center. In order to obtain the required sensitivity, the activity of the source (approximately 150 kCi) had to be known at 1% precision. In this work we report the design of the experimental apparatus and the res…
The high precision measurement of the 144Ce activity in the SOX experiment
International audience; In order to perform a resolutive measurement to clarify the neutrino anomalies and to observe possible short distance neutrino oscillations, the SOX (Short distance neutrino Oscillations with BoreXino) experiment is under construction. In the first phase, a 100 kCi (144)Ce-(144)Pr antineutrino source will be placed under the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), in center of Italy, and the rate measurement of the antineutrino events, observed by the very low radioactive background Borexino detector, will be compared with the high precision (< 1%) activity measurement performed by two calorimeters. The source will be embedded in a 19 mm …