Jorge González-domínguez
parSRA: A framework for the parallel execution of short read aligners on compute clusters
The growth of next generation sequencing datasets poses as a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of both accuracy and speed. In this work we present parSRA, a parallel framework to accelerate the execution of existing short read aligners on distributed-memory systems. parSRA can be used to parallelize a variety of short read alignment tools installed in the system without any modification to their source code. We show that our framework provides good scalability on a compute cluster for accelerating the popular BWA-MEM and Bowtie2 aligners. On average, it is able to accelerate sequence alignments on 16 64-core nodes (in total, 1024 cores) with speedup of 10.48 …
Parallel and scalable short-read alignment on multi-core clusters using UPC++
[Abstract]: The growth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) datasets poses a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of alignment quality and execution speed. Some available aligners have been shown to obtain high quality mappings at the expense of long execution times. Finding fast yet accurate software solutions is of high importance to research, since availability and size of NGS datasets continue to increase. In this work we present an efficient parallelization approach for NGS short-read alignment on multi-core clusters. Our approach takes advantage of a distributed shared memory programming model based on the new UPC++ language. Experimental results using the …
GPU-accelerated exhaustive search for third-order epistatic interactions in case–control studies
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Computational Science. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2015.04.001 [Abstract] Interest in discovering combinations of genetic markers from case–control studies, such as Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), that are strongly associated to diseases has increased in recent years. Detecting epistasis, i.e. interactions among k markers (k ≥ 2), is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each k-tuple of measured markers. Efficient exhaustive methods have been proposed for k = 2, but exhaustive thi…
Combining GPU and FPGA technology for efficient exhaustive interaction analysis in GWAS
Interaction between genes has become a major topic in quantitative genetics. It is believed that these interactions play a significant role in genetic variations causing complex diseases. Due to the number of tests required for an exhaustive search in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), a large amount of computational power is required. In this paper, we present a hybrid architecture consisting of tightly interconnected CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs and a fine-tuned software suite to outperform other implementations in pairwise interaction analysis while consuming less than 300Watts and fitting into a standard desktop computer case.
MSAProbs-MPI: parallel multiple sequence aligner for distributed-memory systems
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Bioinformatics following peer review. The version of recordJorge González-Domínguez, Yongchao Liu, Juan Touriño, Bertil Schmidt; MSAProbs-MPI: parallel multiple sequence aligner for distributed-memory systems, Bioinformatics, Volume 32, Issue 24, 15 December 2016, Pages 3826–3828, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw558is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw558 [Abstracts] MSAProbs is a state-of-the-art protein multiple sequence alignment tool based on hidden Markov models. It can achieve high alignment accuracy at the expense of relatively long runtimes for large-sca…
Unified Parallel C++
Abstract Although MPI is commonly used for parallel programming on distributed-memory systems, Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) approaches are gaining attention for programming modern multi-core CPU clusters. They feature a hybrid memory abstraction: distributed memory is viewed as a shared memory that is partitioned among nodes in order to simplify programming. In this chapter you will learn about Unified Parallel C++ (UPC++), a library-based extension of C++ that gathers the advantages of both PGAS and Object Oriented paradigms. The examples included in this chapter will help you to understand the main features of PGAS languages and how they can simplify the task of programming par…
High-speed exhaustive 3-locus interaction epistasis analysis on FPGAs
Abstract Epistasis, the interaction between genes, has become a major topic in molecular and quantitative genetics. It is believed that these interactions play a significant role in genetic variations causing complex diseases. Several algorithms have been employed to detect pairwise interactions in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) but revealing higher order interactions remains a computationally challenging task. State of the art tools are not able to perform exhaustive search for all three-locus interactions in reasonable time even for relatively small input datasets. In this paper we present how a hardware-assisted design can solve this problem and provide fast, efficient and exhaus…
Ultra-Fast Detection of Higher-Order Epistatic Interactions on GPUs
Detecting higher-order epistatic interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) remains a challenging task in the fields of genetic epidemiology and computer science. A number of algorithms have recently been proposed for epistasis discovery. However, they suffer from a high computational cost since statistical measures have to be evaluated for each possible combination of markers. Hence, many algorithms use additional filtering stages discarding potentially non-interacting markers in order to reduce the overall number of combinations to be examined. Among others, Mutual Information Clustering (MIC) is a common pre-processing filter for grouping markers into partitions using K-Means…
Parallelizing Epistasis Detection in GWAS on FPGA and GPU-Accelerated Computing Systems
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in IEEE - ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2015.2389958 [Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies (such as SNP-arrays) allow the rapid collection of up to a few million genetic markers of an individual. Detecting epistasis (based on 2-SNP interactions) in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. Computational methods to detect epistasis therefore suffer from prohibitively lon…
ParDRe: faster parallel duplicated reads removal tool for sequencing studies
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Bioinformatics following peer review. The version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw038 [Abstract] Summary: Current next generation sequencing technologies often generate duplicated or near-duplicated reads that (depending on the application scenario) do not provide any interesting biological information but can increase memory requirements and computational time of downstream analysis. In this work we present ParDRe , a de novo parallel tool to remove duplicated and near-duplicated reads through the clustering of S…
FPGA-based Acceleration of Detecting Statistical Epistasis in GWAS
Abstract Genotype-by-genotype interactions (epistasis) are believed to be a significant source of unexplained genetic variation causing complex chronic diseases but have been ignored in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) due to the computational burden of analysis. In this work we show how to benefit from FPGA technology for highly parallel creation of contingency tables in a systolic chain with a subsequent statistical test. We present the implementation for the FPGA-based hardware platform RIVYERA S6-LX150 containing 128 Xilinx Spartan6-LX150 FPGAs. For performance evaluation we compare against the method iLOCi[9]. iLOCi claims to outperform other available tools in terms of accuracy.…
Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_57 [Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies allow the collection of up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as 2-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. In this work we present EpistSearch, a parallelized tool that, following the log-linear model appr…
Parallel Pairwise Epistasis Detection on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2015.2460247. [Abstract] Development of new methods to detect pairwise epistasis, such as SNP-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important task in bioinformatics as they can help to explain genetic influences on diseases. As these studies are time consuming operations, some tools exploit the characteristics of different hardware accelerators (such as GPUs and Xeon Phi coprocessors) to reduce the runtime. Nevertheless, all these approaches are not able t…
UPC++ for bioinformatics: A case study using genome-wide association studies
Modern genotyping technologies are able to obtain up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as SNP-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time-consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. Therefore, a variety of HPC architectures have been used to accelerate these studies. In this work we present a parallel approach for multi-core clusters, which is implemented with UPC++ and takes advantage of the features available in the Partitioned Global Address Space and Object Oriented Programming models. Our solution is base…
Advanced C++11 Multithreading
Abstract The previous chapter introduced the basic concepts of multithreading using the C++11 threading API starting with basic spawn and join approaches, while finishing with non-trivial synchronization based on mutexes and condition variables. However, the major bottleneck of application performance is usually caused by contention for a shared resource. In case of mutex-based programming all participating threads usually try to acquire the same lock in parallel which effectively serializes the program for lightweight operations such as increment/decrement or updates of a single scalar value. Fortunately, modern CPUs provide dedicated commands that allow for the efficient execution of unin…