Christine Cannataci
Optimizing Liver Division Technique for Procuring Left Lateral Segment Grafts: New Anatomical Insights.
Left liver lobe (left lateral segment) grafts (LLG) is currently the most commonly used graft to transplant children (2/3 of cases currently in Europe); it is prepared by liver division (DL) in both living (LD) and deceased donors (DD) settings. Technically speaking, classical DL is through the parenchyma of segment IV - dividing the main left glissonean pedicle left to the main biliary confluence (trans-hilar (TH) approach): historically, this technique was introduced by Bismuth and Pichlmayr in 1988 in DD setting, and applied one year later for the first successful living donor transplantations by Strong (Figure 1).
Imaging of hepatic hemangioma: from A to Z
The hemangioma is the most common solid lesion of the liver. Therefore, radiologists must know the typical and atypical imaging findings of this lesion in order to reach a correct diagnosis and avoid diagnostic errors. However, only few papers have comprehensively described the entire spectrum of atypical and uncommon imaging features. In this updated review, we provide the imaging features of hepatic hemangioma, in both typical and atypical forms, as well as its association with abnormalities in the adjacent hepatic parenchyma and other hepatic lesions, and its complications.