Varinia Bustos
Validación del Autoconcepto Forma 5 en Universitarios Peruanos: Una Herramienta para la Psicología Positiva
ResumenEl autoconcepto, aunque central en la psicología tradicional, ha cobrado importancia recientemente en el contexto de la psicología positiva. El Autoconcepto Forma 5 (AF5) es una medida muy utilizada en el contexto hispanohablante. Sin embargo, no existen estudios sobre sus propiedades psicométricas más allá de la fiabilidad en población peruana. El objetivo es presentar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala multidimensional AF5 en universitarios peruanos. Se recogió una muestra de 527 estudiantes universitarios. La encuesta incluyó, además del AF5, medidas de esperanza disposicional y satisfacción con la vida. Se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial confirmatorio para evaluar la v…
Validación de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y su relación con las dimensiones del Autoconcepto en universitarios peruanos
Life satisfaction has been the object of several studies, mostly assessed with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Recently, interest has been shown in the relationship between life satisfaction and self-concept, because life satisfaction seems to depend on the cultural context. The purpose of this research was to study the properties of the SWLS in a sample of Peruvian students, and to analyze the relationship between life satisfaction and self-concept in the Peruvian context. The study population consisted of 527 university students from Lima, Peru. Firstly, a confirmatory factor analysis was estimated and assessed, and reliability estimates of the scale and its items were calculated…
Propiedades psicométricas del CEVEAPEU: Validación en población peruana
Researchers’ interest in the learning process at university context, and in its evaluation, has increased in recent years. Great deals of papers have studied this process and the role that learning strategies play in it and how to measure them in an objective and reliable way. Following this trend, the aim of this study is to validate the Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Estrategias de Aprendizaje de los Estudiantes Universitarios (CEVEAPEU) in a sample of 238 Peruvian university students. Results examined factorial validity, reliability and validity evidence of the questionnaire. In order to test factorial validity of the affective, support and control strategies and information process s…