Brigitte Lucas
Electrical and mechanical H(max)-to-M(max) ratio in power- and endurance-trained athletes.
The aim of this study was to compare the mechanical and electromyographic (EMG) characteristics of soleus motor units activated during maximal H reflex and direct M response among subjects with different histories of physical activity. Power-trained athletes produced stronger twitches, with a higher rate of twitch tension buildup and relaxation, than their endurance counterparts for both maximal H-reflex and maximal M-wave responses. The maximal H-reflex-to-maximal M-wave ratios for both force output (twitch) and EMG wave amplitude were significantly lower in power-trained than endurance-trained athletes. However, power-trained athletes exhibited a significantly greater twitch-to-EMG ratio…
Poststroke Disposition and Associated Factors in a Population-Based Study
Background and Purpose— The organization of poststroke care will be a major challenge in coming years. We aimed to assess hospital disposition after stroke and its associated factors in clinical practice. Methods— All cases of stroke from 2006 to 2010 were identified from the population-based Stroke Registry of Dijon, France. Demographic features, risk factors, and prestroke treatments were recorded. Admission stroke severity was assessed using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score. At discharge, we collected dementia, disability using the modified Rankin Scale, length of stay, and hospital disposition (home, rehabilitation, convalescent home, and nursing home). Multivariate…
Continuous, bilateral Achilles' tendon vibration is not detrimental to human walk.
Sensory feedback from the moving limbs contributes to the regulation of animal and human locomotion. However, the question of the specific role of the various modalities is still open. Further, functional loss of leg afferent fibres due to peripheral neuropathy does not always lead to major alteration in the gait pattern. In order to gain further insight on proprioceptive control of human gait, we applied vibratory tendon stimulation, known to recruit spindle primary afferent fibres, to both triceps surae muscles during normal floor walk. This procedure would disturb organisation and execution of walking, especially if spindles fire continuously and subjects are blindfolded. Vibration induc…
Stance control is not affected by paresis and reflex hyperexcitability: the case of spastic patients.
OBJECTIVES Spastic patients were studied to understand whether stance unsteadiness is associated with changes in the control of voluntary force, muscle tone, or reflex excitability, rather than to abnormal posture connected to the motor deficit itself. METHODS Twenty four normal subjects, 12 patients affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), seven by spastic paraparesis, and 14 by hemiparesis were studied. All patients featured various degrees of spasticity and paresis but were free from clinically evident sensory deficits. Body sway during quiet upright stance was assessed through a stabilometric platform under both eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) conditions. The sudden rotation…