Guntars Pupelis
Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure in Surgical Emergency: A Single Institution Experience Treating a Cohort with a Prevalence of Faecal Peritonitis
Abstract Vacuum-assisted abdominal closure (VAAC) has evolved as a promising method for treatment of emergent surgical patients. The aim of the study was an assessment of the complication rate and outcomes following routine application of VAAC in a cohort of patients suffering predominantly with peritonitis of the lower gastrointestinal tract (GIT) origin. The prospectively collected data was analysed retrospectively, including demographic data, aetiological factors, comorbid conditions and severity of the disease. The indications for VAAC included complicated intra-abdominal infection, purulent peritonitis with sepsis and/or risk of increased intra-abdominal pressure. In total, 130 patient…
Clinical significance of increased intraabdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis.
The aim of the study was to assess whether increased intra-abdominal pressure affects the clinical course and reflects on the effectiveness of the conservative treatment in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Data on 37 consecutive patients with severe acute pancreatitis that were collected prospectively included APACHE II score, daily measurement of the intra-abdominal pressure, and clinical routine. Group A consisted of 26 patients with intra-abdominal pressure < 25 cm/H 2 O during their treatment period, and group B consisted of 11 patients with intraabdominal pressure ≥ 25 cm/H 2 O. SIRS, MODS, complication rate and mortality were analysed. The age, APACHE II scores and hospital st…
Rockall Score Larger Than 7 as a Reliable Criterion for the Selection of Indications for Preventive Transarterial Embolization in a Subgroup of High-Risk Elderly Patients After Primary Endoscopic Hemostasis for Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Background Transarterial embolization (TAE) is an alternative procedure to repeat endoscopy or surgical intervention in the case of re-bleeding after primary endoscopic treatment. The aim of the study was to assess the Rockall score as a criterion for TAE in the case of re-bleeding after endoscopic treatment of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (NVUGIB). Methods Out of the 673 patients who underwent emergent endoscopic hemostasis due to NVUGIB, 111 had a high risk of re-bleeding having a Forrest I-IIb ulcer and the Rockall score ≥ 5. From 111 patients, 37 accepted preventive TAE (PE+ group). The control group consisted of 74 patients who underwent standard treatment (PE- group). …
Dzīvnieku tiesību aizsardzības krimināltiesiskie aspekti
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izvērtēt dzīvnieku tiesību aizsardzības problēmas un pētīt attiecīgo tiesu praksi. Darba uzdevums ir apzināt šīs grupas nodarījumu tiesisko reglamentāciju normatīvajos aktos un iepazīties ar tiesu praksi, norādot uz judikatūru. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām un to apakšnodaļām, ievada, kopsavilkuma, izmantotās literatūras un tiesību avotu saraksta, kā arī anotācijas angļu valodā un pielikuma. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek analizēts dzīvnieku tiesību aizsardzības jēdziens un tā izpratne Latvijā. Kā arī tiek pētīta Krimināllikuma 230. panta vēsturiskā attīstība mūsu valstī. Otrajā nodaļā autors analizē Krimināllikuma 230. pantā paredzētā noziedzīgā nodarījuma – cietsir…
Procalcitonin is a sensitive marker for predicting the severity of biliary sepsis
Endoscopic hemostasis followed by preventive transarterial embolization in high-risk patients with bleeding peptic ulcer: 5-year experience
Abstract Background Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) due to peptic ulcer disease is one of the leading causes of death in patients with non-variceal bleeding, resulting in up to 10% mortality rate, and the patient group at high risk of rebleeding (Forrest IA, IB, and IIA) often requires additional therapy after endoscopic hemostasis. Preventive transarterial embolization (P-TAE) after endoscopic hemostasis was introduced in our institution in 2014. The aim of the study is an assessment of the intermediate results of P-TAE following primary endoscopic hemostasis in patients with serious comorbid conditions and high risk of rebleeding. Methods During the period from 2014 to 2018, a tota…