A. Farruggia
Assessment of volume and density of epicardial fat: comparison between CT calcium score and CT coronary angiography scans.
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
Assessing Coastal Sustainability: A Bayesian Approach for Modeling and Estimating a Global Index for Measuring Risk
Integrated Coastal Zone Management is an emerg- ing research area. The aim is to provide a global view of dif- ferent and heterogeneous aspects interacting in a geographical area. Decision Support Systems, integrating Computational Intelligence methods, can be successfully used to estimate use- ful anthropic and environmental indexes. Bayesian Networks have been widely used in the environmental science domain. In this paper a Bayesian model for estimating the Sustainable Coastal Index is presented. The designed Bayesian Network consists of 17 nodes, hierarchically organized in 4 layers. The first layer is initialized with the season and the physiographic region information. In the second la…
FDAE: A f̲ailure d̲etector for a̲synchronous e̲vents
Quantificazione del tessuto adiposo epicardico in Calcium Score e Cardio-TC: confronto tra valori di attenuazione, spessore e volumi.
The aim of the study is to compare the characteristics of epiphonic adipose tissue (TAE) studied using Calcium Score (CS) and Cardio-CT (CTC).