Lina Krakau


Personality functioning as a mediator of adult mental health following child maltreatment.

Abstract Background The broad range of adverse health outcomes following child maltreatment (child maltreatment) underscores the need to investigate shared trajectories that contribute to associated physical and mental health problems. Previous research focused on different mechanisms, such as emotion regulation or attachment. In the present study, we propose personality functioning, comprising self- and interpersonal regulation and perception, to mediate between child maltreatment and mental and physical health. Methods In a German representative sample (N = 2,508), we assessed remembered child maltreatment, levels of personality functioning, and different health outcomes in adulthood, nam…

research product

Somatic symptoms in the Eastern and Western states of Germany 30 years after unification: Population-based survey analyses.

Background Following German reunification, physical health indicators in the formerly separated states (German Democratic Republic- East/ Federal Republic of Germany-West) have converged. However, it remains unclear how these societal changes have impacted somatic complaints, a major indicator of physical and mental health. Therefore, we investigated how somatic symptom reporting in men and women evolved regarding residency. Methods We administered cross-sectional surveys representative of the German population with comparable sample size in 1994 (N = 3047), 2001 (N = 2050), 2013 (N = 2508) and 2019 (N = 2531) following random route procedure. Men and women aged 14-99 reported demographics …

research product