C. F. Talavera
Conformal and non-conformal symmetries in 2D dilaton gravity
We introduce new extra symmetry transformations for generic 2D dilaton-gravity models. These symmetries are non-conformal but special linear combinations of them turn out to be the extra (conformal) symmetries of the CGHS model and the model with an exponential potential. We show that one of the non-conformal extra symmetries can be converted into a conformal one by means of adequate field redefinitions involving the metric and the derivatives of the dilaton. Finally, by expressing the Polyakov-Liouville effective action in terms of an auxiliary invariant metric, we construct one-loop models which maintain the extra symmetry of the classical action. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Weyl Invariance and Black Hole Evaporation
We consider the semiclassical dynamics of CGHS black holes with a Weyl-invariant effective action for conformal matter. The trace anomaly of Polyakov effective action is converted into the Virasoro anomaly thus leading to the same flux of Hawking radiation. The covariance of semiclassical equations can be restored through a non-local redefinition of the metric-dilaton fields. The resulting theory turns out to be equivalent to the RST model. This provides a mechanism to solve semiclassical equations of 2D dilaton gravity coupled to conformal matter for classically soluble models.
Symmetries and solvable models for evaporating 2D black holes
We study the evaporation process of a 2D black hole in thermal equilibrium when the ingoing radiation is suddenly switched off. We also introduce global symmetries of generic 2D dilaton gravity models which generalize the extra symmetry of the CGHS model. © Elsevier Science B.V
Quantum cosmological approach to 2d dilaton gravity
We study the canonical quantization of the induced 2d-gravity and the pure gravity CGHS-model on a closed spatial section. The Wheeler-DeWitt equations are solved in (spatially homogeneous) choices of the internal time variable and the space of solutions is properly truncated to provide the physical Hilbert space. We establish the quantum equivalence of both models and relate the results with the covariant phase-space quantization. We also discuss the relation between the quantum wavefunctions and the classical space-time solutions and propose the wave function representing the ground state.