Viktorija Barkovska

Binocular function measures as predictors of user performance in stereoscopic augmented reality

Inconsistency between the binocular and focus cues in stereoscopic augmented reality overburdens the visual system leading to its stress. However, a high individual variability of tolerance for visual stress makes it difficult to predict and generalize the user gain associated with the implementation of alternative visualization technologies. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the binocular function and perceptual judgments in augmented reality. We assessed the task completion time and accuracy of perceptual distance matching depending on the consistency of binocular and focus cues in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality. The head-mounted display was driven…

research product

Attāluma novērtējums papildinātajā realitātē

Maģistra darbs uzrakstīts uz 42 lapaspusēm latviešu valodā. Tas satur 19 attēlus un 68 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis bija novērtēt attāluma uztveri papildinātajā realitātē, izmantojot daudzplakņu galvas displeju. Pētījuma piedalījās 40 dalībnieki, vecumā no 19 līdz 36 gadiem. Dalībnieki veica attāluma novērtēšanas uzdevumu papildinātajā realitātē pie saskaņotiem un nesaskaņotiem dziļuma nosacījumiem dažādos attēlu demonstrēšanas attālumos – 45 cm, 65 cm un 115 cm. Rezultāti norādīja, ka palielinoties skatīšanās attālumam novērtēšanas precizitāte samazinājās un uzdevuma izpildīšanas laiks pieauga gan pie saskaņotiem, gan nesaskaņotiem dziļuma nosacījumiem. Visbiežāk attēls ti…

research product

When virtual and real worlds coexist: Visualization and visual system affect spatial performance in augmented reality

New visualization approaches are being actively developed aiming to mitigate the effect of vergence-accommodation conflict in stereoscopic augmented reality; however, high interindividual variability in spatial performance makes it difficult to predict user gain. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of consistent and inconsistent binocular and focus cues on perceptual matching in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality using a head-mounted display that was driven in multifocal and single focal plane modes. Participants matched the distance of a real object with images projected at three viewing distances, concordant with the display focal planes when driven in the mu…

research product