Ulrich Schwanecke
A method for automatic forensic facial reconstruction based on dense statistics of soft tissue thickness.
In this paper, we present a method for automated estimation of a human face given a skull remain. The proposed method is based on three statistical models. A volumetric (tetrahedral) skull model encoding the variations of different skulls, a surface head model encoding the head variations, and a dense statistic of facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT). All data are automatically derived from computed tomography (CT) head scans and optical face scans. In order to obtain a proper dense FSTT statistic, we register a skull model to each skull extracted from a CT scan and determine the FSTT value for each vertex of the skull model towards the associated extracted skin surface. The FSTT values at p…
Chebyshev’s Method on Projective Fluids
We demonstrate the acceleration potential of the Chebyshev semi-iterative approach for fluid simulations in Projective Dynamics. The Chebyshev approach has been successfully tested for deformable bodies, where the dynamical system behaves relatively linearly, even though Projective Dynamics, in general, is fundamentally nonlinear. The results for more complex constraints, like fluids, with a particular nonlinear dynamical system, remained unknown so far. We follow a method describing particle-based fluids in Projective Dynamics while replacing the Conjugate Gradient solver with Chebyshev’s method. Our results show that Chebyshev’s method can be successfully applied to fluids and potentially…
Alignment of cone beam computed tomography data using intra-oral fiducial markers.
This article illustrates a new method to align and merge two partially overlapping volumes each of them generated by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The aggregate volume covers a larger area of investigation and is determined by localizing one fixed LEGO brick in both of the primal volumes. Based on the LEGO brick an approximate registration of the volumes is determined. Afterwards we improve the transformation by minimizing the difference in overlapping space. In this paper we present a method which automates these two steps and provides an aligned volume.
Artefacts in CBCT: a review
Artefacts are common in today's cone beam CT (CBCT). They are induced by discrepancies between the mathematical modelling and the actual physical imaging process. Since artefacts may interfere with the diagnostic process performed on CBCT data sets, every user should be aware of their presence. This article aims to discuss the most prominent artefacts identified in the scientific literature and review the existing knowledge on these artefacts. We also briefly review the basic three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction concept applied by today's CBCT scanners, as all artefacts are more or less directly related to it.
Variable-Radius Offset Surface Approximation on the GPU
Variable-radius offset surfaces find applications in various fields, such as variable brush strokes in 2D and 3D sketching and geometric modeling tools. In forensic facial reconstruction the skin surface can be inferred from a given skull by computing a variable-radius offset surface of the skull surface. Thereby, the skull is represented as a two-manifold triangle mesh and the facial soft tissue thickness is specified for each vertex of the mesh. We present a method to interactively visualize the wanted skin surface by rendering the variable-radius offset surfaces of all triangles of the skull mesh. We have also developed a special shader program which is able to generate a discretized vol…
Auto calibration of a cone-beam-CT
Purpose: This paper introduces a novel autocalibration method for cone-beam-CTs (CBCT) or flat-panel CTs, assuming a perfect rotation. The method is based on ellipse-fitting. Autocalibration refers to accurate recovery of the geometric alignment of a CBCT device from projection images alone, without any manual measurements. Methods: The authors use test objects containing small arbitrarily positioned radio-opaque markers. No information regarding the relative positions of the markers is used. In practice, the authors use three to eight metal ball bearings (diameter of 1 mm), e.g., positioned roughly in a vertical line such that their projection image curves on the detector preferably form l…
Real-Time Monocular Pose Estimation of 3D Objects Using Temporally Consistent Local Color Histograms
We present a novel approach to 6DOF pose estimation and segmentation of rigid 3D objects using a single monocular RGB camera based on temporally consistent, local color histograms. We show that this approach outperforms previous methods in cases of cluttered backgrounds, heterogenous objects, and occlusions. The proposed histograms can be used as statistical object descriptors within a template matching strategy for pose recovery after temporary tracking loss e.g. caused by massive occlusion or if the object leaves the camera’s field of view. The descriptors can be trained online within a couple of seconds moving a handheld object in front of a camera. During the training stage, our approac…
Real-Time Monocular Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Multiple Objects
We present a real-time system capable of segmenting multiple 3D objects and tracking their pose using a single RGB camera, based on prior shape knowledge. The proposed method uses twist-coordinates for pose parametrization and a pixel-wise second-order optimization approach which lead to major improvements in terms of tracking robustness, especially in cases of fast motion and scale changes, compared to previous region-based approaches. Our implementation runs at about 50–100 Hz on a commodity laptop when tracking a single object without relying on GPGPU computations. We compare our method to the current state of the art in various experiments involving challenging motion sequences and diff…
Automated detection of patient movement during a CBCT scan based on the projection data.
Objectives To develop an automated procedure to detect patient motion on the projection images acquired during a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan and to evaluate the method's feasibility on small real-world CBCT images in relation to visual assessment. Methods Based on optical flow theory, software was developed using the sequence of the projection images of a CBCT machine for automated detection of patient motion. Averaged acceleration vectors were used as measurement data and compared with visual assessment of the projection images displayed as video. Seventy-nine CBCT data sets (small field-of-view: 40 mm) from our patient database were selected in a sequential fashion and evalu…
Accurate registration of random radiographic projections based on three spherical references for the purpose of few-view 3D reconstruction
Precise registration of radiographic projection images acquired in almost arbitrary geometries for the purpose of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction is beset with difficulties. We modify and enhance a registration method [R. Schulze, D. D. Bruellmann, F. Roeder, and B. d'Hoedt, Med. Phys. 31, 2849-2854 (2004)] based on coupling a minimum amount of three reference spheres in arbitrary positions to a rigid object under study for precise a posteriori pose estimation. Two consecutive optimization procedures (a, initial guess; b, iterative coordinate refinement) are applied to completely exploit the reference's shadow information for precise registration of the projections. The modification h…
Projection-based improvement of 3D reconstructions from motion-impaired dental cone beam CT data.
Purpose Computed tomography (CT) and, in particular, cone beam CT (CBCT) have been increasingly used as a diagnostic tool in recent years. Patient motion during acquisition is common in CBCT due to long scan times. This results in degraded image quality and may potentially increase the number of retakes. Our aim was to develop a marker-free iterative motion correction algorithm that works on the projection images and is suitable for local tomography. Methods We present an iterative motion correction algorithm that allows the patient's motion to be detected and taken into account during reconstruction. The core of our method is a fast GPU-accelerated three-dimensional reconstruction algorith…
Total Variation Regularization in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
We developed an iterative algebraic algorithm for the reconstruction of 3D volumes from limited-angle breast projection images. Algebraic reconstruction is accelerated using the graphics processing unit. We varied a total variation (TV)-norm parameter in order to verify the influence of TV regularization on the representation of small structures in the reconstructions. The Barzilai-Borwein algorithm is used to solve the inverse reconstruction problem. The quality of our reconstructions was evaluated with the Quart Mam/Digi Phantom, which features so-called Landolt ring structures to verify perceptibility limits. The evaluation of the reconstructions was done with an automatic LR detection a…
A Region-based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking
We propose an algorithm for real-time 6DOF pose tracking of rigid 3D objects using a monocular RGB camera. The key idea is to derive a region-based cost function using temporally consistent local color histograms. While such region-based cost functions are commonly optimized using first-order gradient descent techniques, we systematically derive a Gauss-Newton optimization scheme which gives rise to drastically faster convergence and highly accurate and robust tracking performance. We furthermore propose a novel complex dataset dedicated for the task of monocular object pose tracking and make it publicly available to the community. To our knowledge, it is the first to address the common and…
High-Speed and Robust Monocular Tracking
In this paper, we present a system for high-speed robust monocular tracking (HSRM-Tracking) of active markers. The proposed algorithm robustly and accurately tracks multiple markers at full framerate of current high-speed cameras. For this, we have developed a novel, nearly co-planar marker pattern that can be identified without initialization or incremental tracking. The pattern also encodes a unique ID to identify different markers. The individual markers are calibrated semi-automatically, thus no time-consuming and error-prone manual measurement is needed. Finally we show that the minimal spatial structure of the marker can be used to robustly avoid pose ambiguities even at large distanc…
Metal artifact reduction in x-ray computed tomography: Inpainting versus missing value
A comparison of algorithms for reduction of metal artifacts in x-ray cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is presented. In the context of algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) several inpainting algorithms in the image domain are evaluated against missing data strategies. A GPU-based iterative framework is employed for a meaningful comparison of both. Simulation results from an extended Shepp-Logan phantom and real world dental data are given.