Ronny Puustinen
Challenge of tacit knowledge in acquiring information in cognitive mimetics
Intelligent technologies are rising. This is why methods for designing them are important. One approach is to study how people process information in carrying out intelligence demanding tasks and use this information in designing new technology solutions. This approach can be called cognitive mimetics. A problem in mimetics is to explicate tacit or subconscious knowledge. Here, we study a combination of thinking aloud in ship simulator driving and focus group commenting the solutions of subjects. On the ground of these early experiments, a multiple method combination seems to be the best way forward to solve problems of tacit or subconscious knowledge. peerReviewed
An ontology for cognitive mimetics
AI and autonomous systems are intended to replace people in several jobs. People have worked in these jobs being able to execute the required information processing. This implies that new technical artefacts must be able to perform equitably effective information processing. Thus, it makes sense to develop the analysis of human information processing in designing intelligent systems. This approach has been termed cognitive mimetics. This paper studies how it would be practical to gain knowledge about human information processing and organize this knowledge using ontologies.
Kognitiivinen sosiologia kulttuurin ja toiminnan suhteen tutkimuksessa
Erilaiset kognitiota koskevat kysymyksenasettelut ovat viime vuosikymmeninä yleistyneet yhteiskuntatieteissä. Vaikka sosiologit eivät ole olleet tässä suhteessa edelläkävijöitä, sosiologian sisältä löytyy kuitenkin kasvava joukko kulttuurin ja kognition rajapinnasta kiinnostuneita tutkijoita. Artikkelissa esittelemme tieteidenvälisen kognitiivisen sosiologian suuntausta, jonka tavoitteena on sillan rakentaminen kulttuurisosiologian ja kognitiotieteiden välille. Tässä suuntauksessa on keskusteltu erityisestisiitä, millaisten kognitiivisten prosessien välityksellä kulttuuri vaikuttaa ihmisten toimintaan ja miten näitä prosesseja on mahdollista tutkia empiirisesti. Lähestymme kognitiivista sos…
Two traditions of cognitive sociology : an analysis and assessment of their cognitive and methodological assumptions
Cognitive sociology has been split into cultural and interdisciplinary traditions that position themselves differently in relation to the cognitive sciences and make incompatible assumptions about cognition. This article provides an analysis and assessment of the cognitive and methodological assumptions of these two traditions from the perspective of the mechanistic theory of explanation. We argue that while the cultural tradition of cognitive sociology has provided important descriptions about how human cognition varies across cultural groups and historical periods, it has not opened up the black box of cognitive mechanisms that produce and sustain this variation. This means that its expla…