Dmitriy V. Borodin


Erosion, screening, and migration of tungsten in the JET divertor

The erosion of tungsten (W), induced by the bombardment of plasma and impurity particles, determines the lifetime of plasma-facing components as well as impacting on plasma performance by the influx of W into the confined region. The screening of W by the divertor and the transport of W in the plasma determines largely the W content in the plasma core, but the W source strength itself has a vital impact on this process. The JET tokamak experiment provides access to a large set of W erosion-determining parameters and permits a detailed description of the W source in the divertor closest to the ITER one: (i) effective sputtering yields and fluxes as function of impact energy of intrinsic (Be,…

research product

Understanding tungsten erosion during inter/intra-ELM periods in He-dominated JET-ILW plasmas

Tungsten erosion was quantified during inter/intra-ELM periods in He-dominated JET-ILW plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy. The intra-ELM tungsten sputtering in helium plasmas, which dominates the total W source, prevails by a factor of about 4 over inter-ELM sputtering in the investigated ELM frequency range from 90 Hz-120 Hz. He ions are mainly responsible for the W erosion during the ELMs in He plasmas. The strong in/out asymmetry of the ELM-induced W erosion is observed in He plasmas even at high ELM frequencies beyond 100 Hz. In Ohmic/L-mode plasmas and during the H-mode inter-ELM plasma phases both He2+ and Be2+ ionic species are major contributors to the W erosion. Their contrib…

research product