Ritva Sakari
Do Associations Between Perceived Environmental and Individual Characteristics and Walking Limitations Depend on Lower Extremity Performance Level?
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze whether the associations between perceived environmental and individual characteristics and perceived walking limitations in older people differ between those with intact and those with poorer lower extremity performance. Method: Persons aged 75 to 90 ( N = 834) participated in interviews and performance tests in their homes. Standard questionnaires were used to obtain walking difficulties; environmental barriers to and, facilitators of, mobility; and perceived individual hindrances to outdoor mobility. Lower extremity performance was tested using Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Results: Among those with poorer lower extremity perf…
Mobility and its decline in old age : determinants and associated factors
Mortality Risk Among Older People Who Did Versus Did Not Sustain a Fracture: Baseline Prefracture Strength and Gait Speed as Predictors in a 15-Year Follow-Up
Abstract Background Physiological reserve, as indicated by muscle strength and gait speed, may be especially determinant of survival in people who are exposed to a health stressor. We studied whether the association between strength/speed and mortality risk would be stronger in the time period after a fracture compared to other time periods. Methods Participants were population-based sample of 157 men and 325 women aged 75 and 80 years at baseline. Maximal 10-m gait speed and maximal isometric grip and knee extension strength were tested at the baseline before the fracture. Subsequent fracture incidence and mortality were followed up for 15 years. Cox regression analysis was used to estimat…
Lowered vision as a risk factor for injurious accidents in older people
Poor vision in older people is often related to increased fall risk. However, the association of the severity between visual deficit and risk for all kind of injurious accidents has not been widely studied. The aim of this study was to examine whether visual loss is associated with higher incidence of injurious accidents and whether walking speed or physical activity play a mediating role in the association.416 persons aged 75 and 80 years at baseline underwent visual acuity measurements. Visual acuity (VA)0.3 in the better eye, with spectacle correction when necessary, was defined as visual impairment, VAor=0.3 butor=0.5 as lowered vision, and VA0.5 as normal VA. Hospital records of accide…
Living alone vs. living with someone as a predictor of mortality after a bone fracture in older age
Abstract Background Living alone is a risk factor for health decline in old age, especially when facing adverse events increasing vulnerability. Aim We examined whether living alone is associated with higher post-fracture mortality risk. Methods Participants were 190 men and 409 women aged 75 or 80 years at baseline. Subsequent fracture incidence and mortality were followed up for 15 years. Extended Cox regression analysis was used to compare the associations between living arrangements and mortality risk during the first post-fracture year and during the non-fracture time. All participants contributed to the non-fracture state until a fracture occurred or until death/end of follow-up if th…
Long-term effect of physical activity counseling on mobility limitation among older people: a randomized controlled study.
Background. Physical activity counseling increases physical activity among older people, but its effectiveness on mobility, that is, maintaining the ability to move independently, is unknown. We studied the effect of physical activity counseling on mobility among older people and evaluated whether counseling-induced benefi ts persist after cessation of the intervention. Methods. In a 2-year, single-blinded, randomized controlled study, 632 sedentary participants aged 75 – 81 years were randomly assigned into the intervention ( n = 318) or control ( n = 314) group. The intervention group received a single individualized physical activity counseling session with a supportive telephone contact…
Mobility performance and its sensory, psychomotor and musculoskeletal determinants from age 75 to age 80.
Background and aims: Prospective studies on the simultaneous effects of multiple determinants on objectively assessed mobility are few. The aim of this study was to analyse mobility performance, its stability and sensory, psychomotor and musculoskeletal determinants in an older population from age 75 to age 80. Methods: Sixty-three men and 121 women aged 75 participated at baseline and, five years later, in the follow-up phase of this population-based prospective study. Maximal walking speed and step-mounting height were assessed at baseline and follow-up. Maximal isometric knee extension strength, standing balance on force platform, reaction time, visual acuity and limitations in range of …