Arne Leland

Praksisorganisering 1. studieår : prøveprosjekt på alternativ praksisorganisering for kull 2003

research product

Digital Game-Based Learning: A Supplement for Medication Calculation Drills in Nurse Education

Student nurses, globally, appear to struggle with medication calculations. In order to improve these skills among student nurses, the authors developed The Medication Game – an online computer game that aims to provide simple mathematical and medical calculation drills, and help students practise standard medical units and expressions. The aim of this study was to examine whether baccalaureate student nurses who played The Medication Game as a supplement to lectures and task-solving during a medication calculation course improved their examination results compared to a control group who used lectures and task-solving only. The authors used a randomised controlled design to study 201 studen…

research product

"Alt rett i medikamentregning" : rapport fra en undersøkelse om regneferdigheter og undervisning i medikamentregning utført studieår 2007/2008 ved UIA

Studiedirektøren ved Universitetet i Agder (UiA) bevilget i juni 2007 midler til et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Fakultet for helse- og idrettsfag og Fakultet for teknologi og realfag. Samarbeidsprosjektet hadde til hensikt å se på muligheter for å redusere antall stryk ved eksamen i medikamentregning. Det blir tatt opp ca 240 studenter i bachelorprogrammet i sykepleie ved UiA og undervisningen foregår på to virksomhetssteder: Arendal og Kristiansand. Strykprosenten har stor sett variert mellom 30 – 60 %. I prosjektet har Judith Narvestad Tollisen og Arne Leland (Fakultet for helse- og idrettsfag) samarbeidet med følgende på Fakultet for teknologi og realfag: Mastergradstudent Leif Johannes Om…

research product

What Factors Facilitate Good Learning Experiences in Clinical Studies in Nursing: Bachelor Students’ Perceptions

Published version of an article from the journal:ISRN Nursing. Also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/628679 Clinical studies constitute 50% of the bachelor program in nursing education in Norway, and the quality of these studies may be decisive for the students’ opportunities to learn and develop their professional competences. The aim of this study was to explore what bachelor students’ in nursing perceived to be important for having good learning experiences in clinical studies. Data was collected in a focus group interview with eight nursing students who were in the last year of the educational program. The interview was transcribed verbatim, and qualitative c…

research product