Marta Rustioni
De nova Philostrati editione a Rudolpho Stefec parata disputatiuncula
The contribution is a study on the tradition and text of Philostratus’ Vitae Sophistarum based on the recent edition of Stefec. This edition profits from the advancements of the last two centuries both in the field of textual criticism and in that of palaeography, since until now the reference text had been the one established by Kayser in his three editions (1838; 1844; 1870-71), which however had been conducted with pre-Lachmannian criteria. In the first part of the contribution we retrace the process that led the publisher to reconstruct the relationships between the manuscripts and to reconfigure the codices into two families, instead of three: the publisher shows that those that accord…
Studi sul testo di Quinto di Smirne
Recensione di G. P. Tsomis, Quintus Smyrnaeus. Kommentar zum siebten Buch der Post-homerica, Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2018, pp. 454.
Georgios T (somis )'s commentary on Book VII of the Posthomericas constitutes a significant, clear and complete aid for readers and scholars of Quintus of Smyrna. The commentary is preceded by an introduction that places VII in the general context of the work and provides some information on the story of the protagonist of this section of the Posthomerica. The comment is divided into several parts that follow the course of the plot: each of them is introduced by narrative-logical premises, followed by a detailed analysis of the text, word by word.
The article traces the story of the so-called Lex Zieliński, according to which Homer is incapable of dealing with contemporary events at the same time and must therefore narrate them one by one. It examines the different interpretations of the law and the objections raised by various scholars in the last century, highlighting, however, that in some cases the theories of the Polish scholar are the only convincing way to explain some passages (few, but still present) of the Iliad and the Odyssey, which if understood according to modern narrative logic would be incomprehensible. Zieliński’s studies, therefore, at least in their original form, free of subsequent additions and modifications, he…
Sul testo del settimo libro di Quinto Smirneo
This paper aims to examine the text of the seventh book of Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica, the object of a recent commentary by G. P. Tsomis. Particular attention will be paid to problems concerning textual criticism and exegesis, contained in the book, which recounts the events connected with Neoptolemus’ intervention in the Trojan War. An issue concerning the narrative structure and technique will also be addressed: the poet appears to intentionally imitate Homer not only from a linguistic and lexical point of view, but also in the handling of contemporary events, in which connection Zielinski’s law may be seen as applying to Quintus’ work.