F. Baglieri

Le riforme istituzionali nel Mediterraneo del VI sec. a.C. La nascita di uno spazio politico a Roma e ad Atene

Il proposito principale di questa ricerca è quello di presentare le riforme del VI sec. a.C. in una prospettiva allargata, che potremmo definire “mediterranea”. Questa prospettiva intende far emergere, anche attraverso un confronto fra l’esperienza romana e greca (in particolare Ateniese), influenze e condizionamenti che, in larga parte provenienti dalle sponde orientali del Mediterraneo, influirono notevolmente sulla storia di Roma, contribuendo a determinare la nascita di una sfera propriamente politica per quanto riguarda il governo cittadino. La ricerca attraverso quest’impostazione che potremmo definire comparatistica, intende vagliare similitudini e differenze tra esperienza romana ed…

research product

Pruritus characteristics in a large Italian cohort of psoriatic patients

Background: Psoriasis (Ps) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease associated with pruritus in 64–98% of patients. However, few modestly sized studies assess factors associated with psoriatic pruritus. Objective: To investigate factors associated with Ps pruritus intensity. Methods: Psoriasis patients 18 years or older seen in one of 155 centres in Italy between September 2005 and 2009 were identified from the Italian PsoCare registry. Patients without cutaneous psoriasis and those with missed information on pruritus were excluded. Results: We identified 10 802 patients, with a mean age 48.8 ± 14.3 years. Mild itch was present in 33.2% of patients, moderate in 34.4%, severe in 18.7% and ve…

research product

Efficacy of switching between tumor necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors in psoriasis: results from the Italian Psocare registry

Background: Some studies have shown that switching patients from one tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alfa inhibitor to another may be beneficial when they have an inadequate response or an adverse event. Objective: We sought to assess the variables predicting the efficacy of the second TNF-alfa inhibitor in patients discontinuing the first TNF-alfa inhibitor. Methods: Data from all 5423 consecutive patients starting TNF-alfa inhibitor therapy for psoriasis between September 2005 and September 2010 who were included in the Italian Psocare registry were analyzed. Results: In 105 patients who switched to a second TNF-alfa inhibitor who had complete follow-up data, 75% improvement in the Psoriasis …

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