Natursyn, jaktlovgivning og jaktpraksis i Norge 1845-1899. En undersøkelse av jaktholdninger og natursyn hos næringsjegere og sportsjegere.
Two of Norway's most influential hunting laws in the 19th century were passed in 1845 and 1899. During this period, hunting in Norway served both as a livelihood for a large part of the country’s population, but also as a recreational activity for sport hunters. Roughly outlined, this created a social and cultural division between (1) traditional food hunters and (2) sport hunters. In this thesis, I examine the hunting attitudes and views of nature held by these two groups of hunters. I will refer to the three most influential hunting laws from the period, from 1845, 1863 and 1899 respectively, to uncover attitudes among hunters, as such attitudes are more likely to be revealed by the chang…