S. Runkel
Blood flow, oxygen consumption and substrate utilization of human tumors xenotransplanted into nude rats
l-glutamine: a major substrate for tumor cells in vivo?
From 65 human breast cancer xenografts investigated, a net glutamine uptake was found in 13 tumors (mean +/- SE: 15.7 +/- 4.5 nmol/g per min) whereas a net release (22.5 +/- 3.3 nmol/g per min) was observed in 40 tumors. In 12 tumors neither a significant net uptake nor a net release was obvious. There is experimental evidence that glutamine is taken up by cancer cells only at arterial concentrations greater than 0.5 mM. Another parameter determining glutamine utilization by tumor cells may be the tissue oxygenation. In hypoxic or anoxic tumor areas, glutamine oxidation is unlikely since oxygen is required for the reoxidation of coenzymes which are reduced in the course of this metabolic pa…