Physics Contributions Evaluation of interpolation methods for TG-43 dosimetric parameters based on comparison with Monte Carlo data for high-energy brachytherapy sources
Purpose: The aim of this work was to determine dose distributions for high-energy brachytherapy sources at spa- tial locations not included in the radial dose function gL(r) and 2D anisotropy function F(r,θ) table entries for radial dis- tance r and polar angle θ. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) to evaluate interpolation methods in order to accurately derive gL(r) and F(r,θ) from the reported data; 2) to determine the minimum number of entries in gL(r) and F(r,θ) that allow reproduction of dose distributions with sufficient accuracy. Material and methods: Four high-energy photon-emitting brachytherapy sources were studied: 60Co model Co0.A86, 137Cs model CSM-3, 192Ir model I…