Tomaz Tollazzi
Turbo-Roundabout: Case Study of Driver Behavior and Kinematic Parameters of Light and Heavy Vehicles
AbstractThis research compared kinematic and behavior parameters of light and heavy vehicles at turbo-roundabouts. This is of interest because heavy vehicles can influence turbo-roundabout function...
Analysis of Kinematic Parameters and Driver Behavior at Turbo Roundabouts
This study focuses on both vehicle kinematic parameters (speed and acceleration) and behavior parameters (critical interval and follow-up time) of drivers at turbo-roundabouts. Empirical evaluations of such parameters can be helpful in calibrating traffic microsimulation models or assigning behavior parameters to closed-form capacity models in turbo-roundabouts (gap-acceptance capacity models) and are also related to evaluation of vehicles pollutant emissions. The research was based on traffic process observed in the first turbo-roundabout implemented in the city of Maribor in Slovenia. In 2016 a great number of traffic samples were taken with high-frame-rate video recordings [>50 frames pe…