Ari Nikula
Building and evaluating predictive occupancy models for the Siberian flying squirrel using forest planning data
Abstract We analyzed the applicability of forest planning data in predicting the occurrence of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) in managed northern boreal forests, in northeast Finland. Forest planning data is a source of information about forest characteristics for forest managers that may be used in estimating the availability of certain habitats for species conservation. Flying squirrel populations have declined in Finland, most probably due to habitat change and loss and maintenance of suitable habitats can be seen as a fundamental task in species conservation. First, we surveyed 715 ha of older spruce-dominated forest consisting of 91 stands, of which 35 were found occupi…
Effects of forest patch size on physiological stress and immunocompetence in an area-sensitive passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper ( Certhia familiaris ): an experiment
We manipulated the primary brood size of Eurasian treecreepers (Certhia familiaris) breeding in different sized forest patches (0.5-12.8 ha) in moderately fragmented landscapes. We examined the effects of brood size manipulation (reduced, control, enlarged) and forest patch size on physiological stress (heterophil-lymphocyte ratios; H/L), body condition and cell-mediated immunocompetence (phytohaemagglutinin test). Nestlings' H/L ratios were negatively related to forest patch area in control and enlarged broods, whereas no effects were found in reduced broods. The effects of forest patch area were strongest in enlarged broods, which had, in general, twofold higher H/L ratios than control an…
Thresholds in selection of breeding habitat by the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
Abstract Assessment of habitat thresholds is a topical issue in ecology, both from theoretical and applied perspectives. We examined how forest structure influences selection of breeding habitat in the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris). It is an old-growth forest passerine, which can be considered an umbrella species. Habitat selection data, covering five breeding seasons, were collected from a study area across three spatial scales: (a) territory core scale (a radius of 30 m), (b) territory scale (a radius of 200 m) and (c) large scale (a radius of 500 m). Logistic regression analyses revealed that the radii of 30 and 200 m from the nest were the most important spatial scales for t…
Forest Fragmentation Increases Nest Predation in the Eurasian Treecreeper
We used long-term breeding data to monitor the influences of fragmentation and habitat composi- tion at different spatial scales on the reproductive success of Eurasian Treecreepers (Certhia familiaris) breeding in nest boxes. We collected data from the same forest patches (2.7-65.1 ha in size) during seven breeding sea- sons. Nest predation varied considerably over the years and was the primary cause of nesting failure (mean annual rate of 21.6 ± 12.8%). Nest predation explained most of the variation in fledgling production during the study period. Landscape-level fragmentation (radius of 500 m from territory center) affected nest predation more than did fragmentation on the territory scal…
Habitat-related nest predation effect on the breeding success of the Eurasian treecreeper
We studied the impact of habitat structure on the long-term breeding success of an old-growth forest passerine the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris) assessed over a period of 7 years in the...
Forest fragmentation is associated with primary brood sex ratio in the treecreeper (Certhia familiaris).
We studied the primary brood sex ratio of an old-growth forest passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), along a gradient of forest fragmentation. We found evidence that male nestlings were more costly to produce, since they suffered twofold higher nestling mortality and were larger in body size than females. Furthermore, the proportion of males in the brood was positively associated with the provisioning rate and the amount of food delivered to the nestlings. During the first broods, a high edge density and a high proportion of pine forests around the nests were related to a decreased production of males. The densities of spiders, the main food of the treecreeper, were 38% …
Forest management is associated with physiological stress in an old–growth forest passerine
We investigated how physiological stress in an area-sensitive old-growth forest passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), is associated with forest fragmentation and forest structure. We found evidence that the concentrations of plasma corticosterone in chicks were higher under poor food supply in dense, young forests than in sparse, old forests. In addition, nestlings in large forest patches had lower corticosterone levels and a better body condition than in small forest patches. In general, corticosterone levels were negatively related to body condition and survival. We also found a decrease in corticosterone levels within the breeding season, which may have been a result …
The effect of human-modified landscape structure on forest grouse broods in two landscape types
The population sizes and the breeding success of Finnish tetraonids have been decreasing for decades. In this study, the presence of a grouse hen with a brood in a landscape was used to indicate habitat-related breeding success. We combined the locations of 938 black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), 388 capercaillie (T. urogallus), and 917 hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) broods after the breeding season in mid-August with landscape data by employing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and grouse data derived from the Finnish wildlife triangle censuses conducted during 1997–2004. Two large study areas with different landscape structures; northern forest-mire area and southern cultivated area, were …