Lisa Zschutschke
Structural integrity of the corpus callosum predicts long-term transfer of fluid intelligence-related training gains in normal aging
Although cognitive training usually improves cognitive test performance, the capability to transfer these training gains into respective or functionally related cognitive domains varies significantly. Since most studies demonstrate rather limited transfer effects in older adults, aging might be an important factor in transfer capability differences. This study investigated the transfer capability of logical reasoning training gains to a measure of Fluid Intelligence (Gf) in relation to age, general intelligence, and brain structural integrity as measured by diffusion tensor imaging. In a group of 41 highly educated healthy elderly, 71% demonstrated successful transfer immediately after a 4-…
Intra-visual conflict in visually induced motion sickness
Abstract Motion sickness (MS) can be a debilitating side-effect not just of sea travel, but also when immersed in video games or virtual environments (visually induced MS). To explore the impact of visual display parameters on motion sickness, we presented footage taken on an automobile race track to different groups of observers during three experiments. In Experiment 1, one group watched the movie wearing a head-mounted display (HMD) and a second group looked at a large projection screen with unrestricted view. Resolution and visual angle were equated. In contrast to common assumption, the projection screen produced significantly higher motion sickness scores than the HMD. To understand t…