Middle to Upper Pleistocene morphostructural evolution of the NW-coast of Sicily: thermoluminescence dating and palaeontological-stratigraphical evaluations of littoral deposits
Abstract Infralittoral and terrigenous Middle to Upper Pleistocene deposits outcropping at the NW-coast of Sicily (Gulf of Castellammare and peninsula of Capo San Vito) were investigated in order to recognise glacio-eustatically caused sea level highstands and the interference between tectonics, eustasy and local conditions of the coast. The results, originating from a stratigraphically important area, were obtained by palaeontological-stratigraphical analyses, physical age determination with the thermoluminescence method and by detailed morphostructural studies. The marine deposits, situated at 3–40 m a.s.l., mainly provide an oligotypic molluscan fauna referable to modern SGCF-, SFHN- and…