H. A. Welker
Infradian rhythms of serotonin and serotonin‐N‐acetyltransferase in the pineal gland of male rats
Abstract The present investigation was carried out to determine whether in the pineal gland of male Sprague‐Dawley rats infradian rhythms with respect to serotonin, serotonin‐N‐acetyltransferase (NAT) activity, and hydroxyindole‐O‐methyltransferase (HIOMT) can be detected. The serotonin data obtained over a period of 4 weeks and subjected to power spectral analysis suggest the presence of infradian rhythms in the range of 6 and 4.3 days. NAT activity, obtained over a period of 28 days, revealed a 7‐day‐rhythm. A second peak occurring at 2.3 days remained just below the significance limit. HIOMT activity studied over a period of 8 days showed no statistically significant differences between …
Day/night changes of pineal gland volume and pinealocyte nuclear size assessed over 10 consecutive days
Previous studies aimed at elucidating day/night changes of pineal gland size and pinealocyte nuclear volume have yielded contradictory results. The aim of the present investigation was to examine the above parameters over a period of 10 successive days, at 6-hour intervals under a lighting regimen of LD 12:12 (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.). It was found that changes in pineal gland volume could not be correlated with the light/dark phases; instead, a rhythm with a two-day period was encountered. Pinealocyte nuclear volume, by contrast, showed clear circadian changes, exhibiting troughs during photophase and peaks during scotophase. In this experimental series, the karyometric results conformed to the m…
Depressive effect of LHRH on the numbers of "synaptic" ribbons and spherules in the pineal gland of diestrous rats.
Previous studies have shown that LHRH or LHRH-like substances are present in the pineal gland. In order to investigate whether exogenous LHRH may affect the pineal gland, in the present study the effects of a single dose of LHRH (1 microgram, i.p.) on pineal "synaptic" ribbons and spherules as well as serum melatonin levels were examined in diestrous Wistar rats. One hour after the injection both ribbons and spherules exhibited a statistically significant decrease in number. Serum melatonin levels were not affected. It is concluded that humoral feedback mechanisms may exist between the hypothalamus and the pineal gland.
Pineal ?synaptic? ribbons and spherules during the estrous cycle in rats
In previous studies pineal "synaptic" ribbons have been shown to undergo striking numerical changes under various physiological and experimental conditions and to be regulated by beta-adrenergic mechanisms. The aim of the present investigation was to study the numbers of pineal "synaptic" ribbons and spherules in Wistar rats throughout the estrous cycle and to compare them with those in males. There were no statistically significant differences in the numbers of ribbons and spherules between males and females and in the females at the different stages of the estrous cycle, indicating that the structures in question, in vivo, do not appear to be regulated by naturally occurring changes of se…
Effects of an artificial magnetic field on serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin content of the rat pineal gland
In the present study the effects of artificial magnetic fields on pineal serotonin-N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity and melatonin content in male Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated to study the secretory activity of the pineal gland. Experimental inversion of the horizontal component of the natural magnetic field, performed at night-time, led to a significant decrease of both parameters investigated. During day-time, this effect was less conspicuous. During night-time, inversion of the horizontal component is followed by a reduced pineal secretory activity for about 2 h. After 24 h exposure to the inverted horizontal component, return to the natural condition was followed by a renewed …
Aufnahme und Verteilung von14C-Retinylacetat in Organe und Sinnesgewebe (Innenohr) des Meerschweinchens
Es wird uber die Aufnahme und chemische Identifizierung von14C-Retinylacetat in das Innenohr des Meerschweinchens nach per oraler Verabreichung berichtet. Die Untersuchung wurde aus methodischen Grunden bei Vitamin-A-mangelernahrten Tieren durchgefuhrt. Es findet sich eine zeitabhangige Verteilung in den Sinnesgeweben, die der anderer Organe gleicht. Die chemische Identifizierung zeigt, das das als Retinylacetat verabreichte markierte Vitamin A in den membranosen Strukturen des Innenohres in Form des Retinylpalmitats zu finden ist. Dies mag ein Hinweis sein auf die Fahigkeit des Innenohrgewebes, die Transportform des Vitamins A, das Retinol, zu verestern und eventuell auch zu speichern.
Correlation of the number of pineal ?synaptic? ribbons and spherules with the level of serum melatonin over a 24-hour period in male rabbits
Previous studies have shown that pineal "synaptic" ribbons and spherules may respond differently under normal and experimental conditions. It has been suggested that the increase in the number of ribbons may be a prerequisite for enhanced melatonin formation. In the present study, the number of ribbons and spherules as well as the level of serum melatonin were monitored over a 24-h period in the male rabbit, the pineal gland of which is known to contain many spherules. It was found that both the number of ribbons and the levels of serum melatonin show the typical nocturnal increase, exhibiting peaks at 02:00 and 06:00 h, respectively. There is a good correlation (R = 0.8) of the two paramet…
Melatonin formation in different parts of the guinea-pig pineal complex as assessed over 24 hours.
There is morphological evidence that the pineal gland is not a uniformly built organ but rather a complex. In the guinea-pig the gland is 6--7 mm in length and dumbbell-shaped, the proximal part coming into intimate contact with central commissural fibres. The aim of the present 24-hour study was to examine in male guinea-pigs whether the proximal, intermediate and distal areas of the gland are involved in melatonin formation and to compare their rhythmicities. Levels of melatonin in serum and the whole pineal gland as assessed by RIA show day/night ratios of 1 : 1.25 and 1 : 3.3, respectively. Serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity was found to exhibit ratios of 1 : 1.75 (Experiment I) and…
The effects of a number of short-term exogenous stimuli on pineal serotonin-N-acetyltransferase activity in rats
The present study deals with the question as to what extent the sympathetically innervated rat pineal gland is affected by a number of short-term exogenous stimuli given during day-time, as assessed by measuring pineal serotonin-N-acetyltransferase activity (NAT) which is directly proportional to melatonin formation. In male Sprague-Dawley rats kept under LD 12:12 pineal NAT was statistically significantly depressed by physical immobilization for 2 hours, swimming for 15 min in water of 10 and 30 degrees C, exposure for 2 hours to cold (5 degrees C) or heat (40 degrees C), noise (90 db) for 2 hours and hunger for 17 hours. An increase in NAT was noted after swimming for 15 min in water of 2…