Andreas Nink


Connections and geodesics in the space of metrics

We argue that the exponential relation $g_{\mu\nu} = \bar{g}_{\mu\rho}\big(\mathrm{e}^h\big)^\rho{}_\nu$ is the most natural metric parametrization since it describes geodesics that follow from the basic structure of the space of metrics. The corresponding connection is derived, and its relation to the Levi-Civita connection and the Vilkovisky-DeWitt connection is discussed. We address the impact of this geometric formalism on quantum gravity applications. In particular, the exponential parametrization is appropriate for constructing covariant quantities like a reparametrization invariant effective action in a straightforward way. Furthermore, we reveal an important difference between Eucli…

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Field Parametrization Dependence in Asymptotically Safe Quantum Gravity

Motivated by conformal field theory studies we investigate Quantum Einstein Gravity with a new field parametrization where the dynamical metric is basically given by the exponential of a matrix-valued fluctuating field, $g_{\mu\nu}=\bar{g}_{\mu\rho}(e^h)^\rho_{\nu}$. In this way, we aim to reproduce the critical value of the central charge when considering $2+\epsilon$ dimensional spacetimes. With regard to the Asymptotic Safety program, we take special care of possible fixed points and new structures of the corresponding RG flow in $d=4$ for both single- and bi-metric truncations. Finally, we discuss the issue of restoring background independence in the bi-metric setting.

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The unitary conformal field theory behind 2D Asymptotic Safety

Being interested in the compatibility of Asymptotic Safety with Hilbert space positivity (unitarity), we consider a local truncation of the functional RG flow which describes quantum gravity in $d>2$ dimensions and construct its limit of exactly two dimensions. We find that in this limit the flow displays a nontrivial fixed point whose effective average action is a non-local functional of the metric. Its pure gravity sector is shown to correspond to a unitary conformal field theory with positive central charge $c=25$. Representing the fixed point CFT by a Liouville theory in the conformal gauge, we investigate its general properties and their implications for the Asymptotic Safety progra…

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We discuss the conceptual ideas underlying the Asymptotic Safety approach to the nonperturbative renormalization of gravity. By now numerous functional renormalization group studies predict the existence of a suitable nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point. We use an analogy to elementary magnetic systems to uncover the physical mechanism behind the emergence of this fixed point. It is seen to result from the dominance of certain paramagnetic-type interactions over diamagnetic ones. Furthermore, the spacetimes of Quantum Einstein Gravity behave like a polarizable medium with a "paramagnetic" response to external perturbations. Similarities with the vacuum state of Yang-Mills theory are pointed …

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